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<< The Strigon Team has fled the airspace. We've won >> Due to the current nature of his work, he won't be able to play very often, impacting his only contribution to aci wiki, providing images.

R-101 -Neucom-

A wiki/bbs lurker during office hours. Contributes some screenshots and other info like aircraft stats, he's not good in writing and editing articles.

Focuses on close Air-to-Air warfare and gives a fair competitive playing field, keeping himself from using over-powered setups and always keeps rookies from harm's way[1].

His match rate hovers at around 2100 and always goes into high match rate hosts' rooms (+100-300 his MR) to challenge his skills. Despite the risk of facing high-leveled planes and 6aam platforms, he would still sortie with his trusty companion, The Su-33 -Strigon- along with it's QAAM most of the time.

His internet connection is very unreliable and erratic, there are chances that he would drop out before or during a match. He would like to apologize in advance if it happens.