Transcript:The Valley of Kings

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This page includes a transcript of "The Valley of Kings", the 17th campaign mission of Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.


AWACS Eagle Eye: I'll transmit the latest data we've received from the Allied Forces. According to this, the dam is protected by an intensive antiaircraft network. To deal with this, the allied squadron will draw antiaircraft fire to itself in the skies. Meanwhile, Galm Team will join the Allied Squad's Avalon Dam strike team and approach the target at low altitude through the canyon. That's the only way we stand a chance at succeeding. If you destroy the V2 launch control facility, you should be able to stop the weapon from being fired. The V2 will probably be equipped with a nuclear warhead. The destruction caused by a singular warhead will most likely dwarf the damage inflicted by that tactical nuclear attack before. All the Allied Forces will be mobilized for this full scale operation. It seems this war doesn't wanna come to an end. We must stop the V2 launch! Hurry!

(Briefing screen cuts out)

Mission Script

AWACS Eagle Eye: Galm Team. Keep low to the water on your approach to Avalon. You'll be shot down if you fly high.

AWACS Eagle Eye: Get to the enemy fortress. Once you're close, increase altitude and fly over the dam.

PJ: This is PJ. If I'm with you, I know I can do it. I'll follow your lead.

Allied Squadron: It's the Galm Team! We've been waiting for you! Follow us! we'll escort you to Avalon!

Allied Squadron: Keep it low and steady, Galm Team! We'll handle any fighters. You're not the only pros.

AWACS Eagle Eye: You've passed the first bridge.

Allied Squadron: Damn. Get a grip.

Allied Squadron: Calm down! Galm isn't the only team that can fight!

Allied Squadron: Our guys above are taking the heat. Don't let them down!

PJ: Hurry! But keep your cool!

(if flying too high) PJ: Galm 1! All hell's breaking loose above! Fly as low as possible to your target!

Allied Squadron: My left wing's hit! Sorry, Savage 4 pulling out!

Allied Squadron: Joker 1's down. Ten planes left!

Allied Squadron: Joker 4 disengaged. Nine planes left!

Allied Squadron: Damn! The wall...

Allied Squadron: Joker 3's hit. Eight planes left!

Allied Squadron: Stay sharp! You don't want to get hit!

Allied Squadron: I can't maintain altitude!

AWACS Eagle Eye: You've passed the second bridge.

Allied Squadron: Gizmo 2, hang in there! It won't be long until Galm Team takes out the V2.

Allied Squadron: Domino 2's down. Seven planes left!

Allied Squadron: Joker 2 also went down. Six planes left.

Allied Squadron: Damn! Menace 2's been hit too. Five planes left

PJ: I feel like I'm about to hurl.

Allied Squadron: Enemy fighters at 6 o'clock! It's no use, I can't shake them! Go on ahead!

AWACS Eagle Eye: You've passed the third bridge.

Allied Squadron: Domino 3 also went down. Four planes left! Come on!

Allied Squadron: The rest of us can still make it through this!

Allied Squadron: I won't let any more people die!

Coup D' état Soldier: Stay on alert. We have to stop him somehow.

Allied Squadron: No! Domino Leader's been taken out! Three planes left!

Allied Squadron: Damn! There goes Domino 4. Only two planes left!

PJ: If we can just make it through here...

Coup D' état Soldier: Those fighters on their way to the Round Table were apparently shot down.

Coup D' état Soldier: He's coming. The Demon Lord is coming here.

(Amount of allies heard shot down depends on how fast you fly through the valley)


Allied Squadron: Two planes are through!

Allied Squadron: Who made it through?! Galm?!

Allied Squadron: All planes, draw the attack above! Galm Team will handle the V2!

PJ: We're gonna stop it no matter what. I never wanna see that barren land again.

V2 Launch Control: V2 is ready for lift off. Beginning count down.

V2 Launch Control (Expert/Ace): 5 minutes to V2 launch.

V2 Launch Control (Normal/Hard): 7 minutes to V2 launch.

V2 Launch Control (Very Easy/Easy): 10 minutes to V2 launch.

AWACS Eagle Eye: Take out the launch control devices before barriers close up and over their facilities.

AWACS Eagle Eye: There are three launch control devices positioned at the base of the dam. Destroy them all!

Wizard 1 (Mercenary/Soldier): We will carry out the new creation of destruction through the power of righteousness. Territories, peoples, authorities, all will be liberated. This is the new state, "A World With No Boundaries", we'll create. Neither nations nor nationalities have meaning. We will erase these unnecessary borders. The World With No Boundaries will pen a new story. The world will change.

Sorcerer 1 (Knight): The battle to reline the borders has moved to the meeting boardroom. Those lines will give birth to new conflict. Rising above countries and armies, our world with no boundaries will become one. For the ideal. For the people. It's time for a perfect world without restrictions or wars. V2 will erase the old one.

Avalon staff (Mercenary): Initiate anti-air fire. Light up the sky with flames! Show him what Avalon is all about!

Avalon staff (Soldier): These barriers can even withstand nuclear attacks. Show him what Avalon is all about!

Avalon staff (Knight): He's flying with a sense of justice. Show him what Avalon is all about!

AWACS Eagle Eye: The control facility barriers are halfway closed! Move it, Galm Team!

Avalon staff: Our facilities have been damaged! I'm detaching a module section!

Avalon staff: Our facilities have suffered additional damage! We've lost the stabilizer and gyro systems!

AWACS Eagle Eye: All V2 control facilities have been destroyed!

PJ (Mercenary): We did it! We stopped the V2 launch! We're gonna be rich!

PJ (Soldier): We did it! We stopped the V2 launch! The fighting is over!

PJ (Knight): We did it! We stopped the V2 launch! We're gonna be branded as heroes!

AWACS Eagle Eye: Confirming the situation. Cipher, PJ. Standby.

Ending Cutscene

PJ: Now the war is finally over.

PJ: I got a girlfriend back at the base.

PJ: I'm gonna propose to her when I get back.

PJ: I even bought flowers.

AWACS Eagle Eye: Warning! Unknown target approaching at high speed! Break! Break!

PJ: Agh! Dangit!

Pixy: So, have you found a reason to fight yet... Buddy?