Transcript:The Unsung War

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This page includes a transcript of "The Unsung War", the 29th and final campaign mission of Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.


The SOLG's descent was detected by our radar at 0445 hours. We believe it was programmed to automatically descend if control was ever cut off from the surface. We have calculated the SOLG's course of descent from its previous orbit. Its estimated landing point is downtown Oured, the capital of Osea. Get to the SOLG's descent point as quickly as possible, and destroy it before it hits Oured. You must complete the mission, and come back alive. Anything less is not acceptable. Razgriz, we wish you the best of luck. Launch.

Mission Script


  • Controller: Your final sortie...It's almost kinda sad, huh?
  • Controller: Alright, launch preparations complete.
  • ...won't make it into the history books. Sorry.
  • Keep going, keep going! Settle down over there!
  • Controller: What's wrong? Trying to focus on the final battle?
  • Controller: Hey, hurry up! You guys don't have much time, right?
  • Controller: Good luck out there, Razgriz!

Mission start

  • AWACS Oka Nieba: This is Oka Nieba, hurry to the target area.
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: The later you get there, the less time you'll have to attack the SOLG.
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: The SOLG will descend to a vulnerable altitude in five minutes.
  • Grimm: The SOLG is falling!
  • Nagase: We have to get to the SOLG, fast!
  • Grimm: Captain!
  • Snow: Blaze!
  • Nagase: Blaze!
    • YES
      • Grimm: Roger! Archer, engaging!
      • Snow: Roger! Swordsman, engaging!
      • Nagase: Roger. Edge, engaging.
    • NO
    • MUTE
      • Nagase, Grimm, Snow: [sighs]
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: Four minutes.
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: Three minutes.
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: Two minutes!
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: One minute!

Midway to SOLG re-entry point

  • Grabacr Leader: These fighters are definitely the Razgriz.
  • Nagase: Blaze!
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: Oka Nieba to the Ghosts of Razgriz, new enemy planes on the radar.
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: It's a double Belkan formation – Ofnir and Grabacr.
  • Grabacr Leader: We will restore the pride we had 15 years ago!
  • Ofnir Leader: It's time to settle this, evil ravens!
  • Grimm: Eight tough enemies... My heart's racing! My whole body's shaking!
  • Snow: Keep going! Our mission is clear!
  • Ofnir Squadron: Don't fight by yourself. Take them two-on-one.
  • Edge: Captain, two enemy planes on your six!
  • Grabacr Leader: You shall fall to your deaths and lead the way for the SOLG as it smashes into the Earth!
  • Grimm: We gotta take out the one in command!

Random Grabacr and Ofnir dialogue

  • Ofnir Squadron: After we destroy you, we will open up the tunnel to the south!
  • Ofnir Squadron: We will have our revenge on the two nations. Then, Belka will once again claim the southern lands.
  • Grimm: Captain Chopper...if you're here, please look after us!
  • Grimm: I don't have time to be afraid! We've got to get past them!
  • Grimm: This is it. This is what we've been training for, right now.
  • Ofnir Squadron: The damn Razgriz ghosts!
  • Grabacr Squadron: Damn the ravens of Razgriz!
  • Nagase: Stay sharp! React fast!
  • Grabacr Squadron: We will reclaim the victory that was taken from us!
  • Snow: Go back home! Don't ever come back again!
  • Ofnir Squadron: Rise, my fallen brothers! Rise up with the power of your hatred!
  • Nagase: Grabacr, Ofnir, your hatred is slowing you down!
  • Grimm: These guys just hate us, blindly and completely!
  • Grabacr Squadron: I can read the tricks of the Razgriz like a book.
  • Grabacr Leader: We aren't relics from 15 years ago. This hatred burns fresh within us.
  • Grabacr Squadron: The two countries that defeated us will struggle in the grasps of this endless war!
  • Grabacr Squadron: Even after we're gone, the SOLG will be coming for you!
  • Ofnir Squadron: We will realize the victory that has been denied us by a traitor!
  • Ofnir Squadron: Shoot them all down. We will not allow a single one of them to live.
  • Grabacr Squadron: Believe in the victory that lies before you, brothers!
  • Nagase: You're all idiots! All of you!
  • Grabacr Squadron: I'll run you all down, all the way to hell!
  • Ofnir Squadron: Pupils of Huckebein, we will decide once and for all who is superior!
  • Ofnir Squadron: They'll fall apart if we take out their lead plane!
  • Ofnir Squadron: That's him! Get him!
  • Grabacr Squadron: We'll give you a taste of the pain felt by all those innocent people!
  • Grimm: All that hatred is ancient history to us! And it should stay that way!
  • Ofnir Squadron: We will have our victory! We've been humiliated long enough!
  • Nagase: Get out of my way while you still can!
  • Grabacr Leader: I was the one who shot down Bartlett 15 years ago. You're nothing compared to him!
  • Snow: Their skill is solid, but their hearts and minds have been distorted!
  • Grabacr Leader: Believing in coincidence is more than a youthful mistake. It's sheer stupidity.
  • Grabacr Leader: Bartlett and Huckebein were no match against me. And you think you even stand a chance?
  • Grabacr Squadron: You're the ones who built the SOLG to use against us!
  • Grabacr Squadron: And now, you're sitting under your own dagger. Taste the irony!
  • Ofnir Squadron: So, they think the same moves will work twice? Swat them down!
  • Snow: This battle is over! Accept your defeat!
  • Grabacr Squadron: We will never give in!

Two Ofnirs shot down

  • Ofnir Squadron: Let us be blessed with glory as we cross the gates of hell!

All Ofnirs shot down

  • Ofnir Leader: Don't think you've won this! This isn't over yet!

Two Grabacrs shot down

  • Grabacr Squadron: We'll return to haunt you for eternity! [screams]

All Grabacrs shot down

  • Grabacr Leader: I...I never thought you would be this good...

Both Belkan squadrons defeated

  • AWACS Oka Nieba: All enemy planes destroyed!

Dialogue if arriving at reentry point early

  • Nagase: I see light to the east... Morning's coming.
  • Grimm: Our night flight is over.
  • Grimm: I can't wait to see it. The most beautiful sunrise ever!
  • Snow: And the sun will continue to rise, now and forever.
  • Grimm: I just birthday's coming up next week.
  • Snow: See? Aren't you glad you're still alive?
  • Grimm: I bet my mom will be happy to see my brother come back home from Yuktobania.
  • Snow: You oughta go make her happy, too. We're almost done here.
  • Snow: Captain, I want to thank you.
  • Grimm: Captain Snow?
  • Snow: Flying as a wingman again, I now know how my men felt.
  • Nagase: I vowed to myself that I would never lose another flight lead.
  • Nagase: And that's what kept me flying up to now. So please...
  • Nagase: Please, Blaze, let me fly as your wingman just a little while longer.

SOLG reentry

  • AWACS Oka Nieba: The SOLG has fallen to an altitude low enough for you to attack. I know you can do this. Destroy it!
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: I've received a data link from your guy, Pops, with the SOLG's structural details.
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: The SOLG's outer shell has a rotating accelerator.
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: The only way you can attack its core structure directly is through the gaps of this accelerator.
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: That's bad news. This'll be tough.
  • Snow: We gotta stop that thing, Grimm!
  • Grimm: I know!
  • Grimm: Captain Nagase!
  • Nagase: Yeah! Blaze, let's go!
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: The SOLG is 80 miles from the capital city Oured.
  • Grimm: It's falling. It's so huge.
  • Snow: We gotta destroy it! Don't let it hit the ground in one piece!

All four accelerators destroyed

  • AWACS Oka Nieba: SOLG loading unit destroyed!
  • Snow: Watch out for falling parts.
  • Nagase: It's still not enough. Keep attacking it.

All 16 solar panels destroyed

  • AWACS Oka Nieba: All SOLG solar panels destroyed!
  • Snow: Well, this is getting a little more encouraging, now.

Attacking core components

  • Nagase: That's the SOLG's core component.
  • Nagase: You can't hit it just by firing at random.
  • Snow: Captain, we need you here!
  • Grimm: Watch the rotation timing and we should be able to hit it.
  • Snow: We have to aim through that? This is like threading a needle.

One core component destroyed

  • Nagase: We're still not doing enough damage to stop it, but...
  • Grimm: But we're the only ones who can.
  • Snow: That's right. We have to stop it.

Three core components destroyed

  • Nagase: Just a little bit more!
  • Grimm: Just a little more, and we can stop this thing.

SOLG general dialogue

  • Snow: I'm used to desperate situations...but this one is the worst!
  • Snow: The enemy's laid its strongest cards against us...but no matter.
  • Nagase: I won't let them finish us! Not here!
  • Nagase: Shoot the panels. They should break easily.
  • Nagase: Watch out for the fragments falling off the SOLG.
  • Snow: I'm not gonna get done in by some falling fragments...
  • Grimm: You can see the SOLG fragments reflecting light in the air.
  • Nagase: All that's left of their hatred is this thing in front of us...
  • Grimm: Remember those craters in the Belkan mainland! Don't let it happen again!
  • Grimm: We have the hearts of thousands backing us! And the lives of so many more in front of us!
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: The SOLG is 60 miles from Oured.
  • Nagase: I'm going to push ahead!
  • Nagase: Further, further, further!
  • Grimm: I believe him! As long as the Captain's with us, we can do the impossible!
  • Nagase: Anything built by human hands can be destroyed. This is no exception.
  • Snow: Yes. So don't let up until it's over.
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: The SOLG is 40 miles from Oured.
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: The SOLG is 20 miles from Oured.
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: The SOLG is 10 miles from Oured.
  • AWACS Oka Nieba: The SOLG is five miles from Oured!


No debriefing is available for this mission, even when played during Free Mission.