Transcript:Final Option

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The following is a transcript of Final Option, the nineteenth mission in Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.

Mission script


  • 8492nd Leader: This is the 8492nd Squadron, we have a visual on the enemy. Engaging.
  • Grimm: It's them!
  • AWACS Thunderhead: This is Thunderhead, roger 8492nd. Are those guys really traitors?
  • 8492nd Leader: Yeah.
  • AWACS Thunderhead: I can't believe it.
  • Hamilton: You can believe what you want, but it's the truth. 8492nd Squadron, you have permission to shoot down those planes.
  • 8492nd Leader: 8492nd, roger.
  • Pops: I'll get you guys out of here. You all stay with me now.
  • Pops (if the player says yes): Good answer.
  • Pops (if the player says no): Don't worry. With your skills, you won't have any trouble. Here we go.
  • 8492nd Leader: That flying style... That isn't the Colonal, is it?
  • 8492 Squadron: Colonal? You mean THE Colonal? The legendary pilot they used to call Huckebein the Raven during the last war?
  • 8492nd Leader: Yeah. The most infamous traitor our country's every produced.
  • Pops: Is that you, Ashley? I kept hearing this name, "8492", and was wondering what the heck it was.
  • Pops: Since you started calling yourself the Grabacr Fighter Squadron in the last war, I got sick of flying in the same sky with ya.
  • Pops: Sounds like you've strayed even further from your ideals since then.
  • 8492nd Leader: What's that island down there? Damnit, my radar's out...
  • Pops: That's a volcanic island. There's a strong magnetic field all around it.
  • Pops: Our radar's out too, so you guys better follow me closely.
  • Grimm: The ravine is widening up ahead... What's that?!
  • Nagase: It's... a scrapyard!
  • Grimm: This a graveyard for scrapped planes.
  • Nagase: Amazing! Where did he learn to do that?
  • Grimm: He expects us to follow that?
  • Grimm: The cliff faces are blowing right by the canopy!
  • Nagase: Where did you learn how to fly like this, Pops?!
  • Pops: In many air battles long ago, my young aviator!
  • Pops: You need to concentrate. Stay cool.
  • Grimm: The enemy's closing from 6 o'clock!
  • Nagase: Grimm, you doing okay?
  • Grimm: Yes, but not nearly as okay as you sound!
  • Grimm: I can't even blink. My eyes are drying up!
  • Grimm: Woah!... That was a close one!
  • Grimm: Is the 8492nd still following us? I'm too busy to check my 6 right now.
  • Nagase: How's Genette doing?
  • Pops: He hasn't passed out yet. The guy's pretty tough.
  • Pops: Hey, you still keeping up with me?
  • Pops (if the player answers yes): Good, that's it. Those folks sure don't seem to like us very much.
  • Pops: We're diving into that cave now. You all ready for this?
  • Pops (if the player answers yes): Sorry, of course you are. I guess that question was a little silly.
  • Nagase: His flying is incredible!
  • Grimm Gah! Woahhh! Ahhh!
  • Nagase: Grimm, don't deviate from the course!
  • Nagase: Pops was pulling some amazing maneuvers!
  • Kirk: (Barking)
  • Kirk (if the player answers yes): (Elated bark)
  • Kirk (if the player answers no): (Whining)
  • Grimm: I can barely keep up with him.
  • Grimm: Pops is the only guy we can rely on right now!
  • Grimm: There's no way I can fly like that!
  • Grimm: I can't believe we're both flying the same type of plane!
  • Grimm: Now we're going into that cave?!
  • Grimm Agh! Woah! It's pitch black!
  • Nagase: Don't lose your sense of range in the darkness.
  • Grimm This is unreal! It's insane!
  • Nagase: It's just barely wide enough for us to pass through!
  • Nagase: How can you fly like that?! That's not human!
  • Pops: Hey, hey, easy. You're giving me way too much credit.
  • Nagase: Stay low, or you'll graze the ceiling.
  • Pops: Keep a wide field of vision. Right, that's it.
  • Pops: I knew you could do it. You've all become excellent pilots!
  • Nagase: I can see the exit. There's the open sky on the other side!
  • Grimm: The exit... The light's blinding me!
  • Nagase: This is Edge. Are we still being pursued?
  • Nagase (if the player answers no): Roger. Looks like we can relax a little.
  • AWACS Thunderhead: This is Thunderhead. What happened to the 8492nd? We're seeing the traitors on the radar again.
  • Grimm: There they are again.
  • Snow This is Swordsman. I just found 'em. So now I just shoot 'em down?
  • Hamilton: Exactly.
  • Pops: He's not really our enemy.


  • Grimm: It's a signal light.
  • Grimm: "TRUST. ME. BAIL. OUT." He wants us to bail out?
  • Pops: What say we trust him then?
  • Pops: Genette, you first.
  • Snow: Swordsman to Thunderhead. Splash one.
  • AWACS Thunderhead: Tracked on radar. Kill confirmed.
  • Snow: Just one left.
  • Pix: This is Pix. I do not see any floating debris in the water.
  • AWACS Thunderhead: Image faded from radar. All planes destroyed.
  • Snow: You'd better give me a medal for this later.
  • Sea Goblin: This is Sea Goblin. We've found the floating remains of the destroyed aircraft in the water. I don't see any of the crew. It looks like they couldn't eject and sank with their planes.
  • AWACS Thunderhead: Roger, Sea Goblin. Return to base.
  • Sea Goblin: Alright, let's go. We've got a new home waiting for you.


Briefing Officer: All planes from the Sand Island detachment were shot down by Naval jets from the carrier Kestrel. Likewise, all of the pilots are confirmed dead.