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"Ace Combat 04 rival Yellow Squadron aircraft. This lightly armored aircraft possesses unsurpassed maneuverability. Join the elite Yellow Squadron and become the pride of Erusea. Take your rightful place as king of the sky."
― Xbox Live description

The Su-33 -YELLOW SQUADRON- is a downloadable paint scheme in Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation for the Su-33 Flanker-D. It was released at the Xbox Marketplace in January 30, 2008 as part of Pack 04, at the cost of $2.49 (200 Microsoft Points, pre-MSP retirement).


As implied by its name, this Flanker-D paint scheme is an homage to the famed Su-37 Terminator flown by Yellow 13, the leading ace of the Federal Erusean Air Force in Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies. The aircraft possesses a gray/brown camouflage. The tailfins and wingtips are painted in a brownish yellow tone, while the nose is painted white. The cockpit's general area is adorned with a "013".

The FEAF Flanker's performance is changed to suit Yellow 13's flight skills. Air-to-air, speed and maneuverability are increased to their maximum levels. However, unparalleled mobility is achieved by stripping the aircraft of all armor, not unlike its F-22A Mobius counterpart. As well, air-to-ground capabilities and stability take a severe blow, while weapons capacity remains unaffected. As implied by its statistics, the aircraft is suited exclusively towards air-to-air combat. The low armor parameters make flight dangerous for inexperienced pilots, however those who can master it will be able to harness its extreme maneuverability.
