Admiral Aristov
The Admiral Aristov (Адмирал Аристов) was an Admiral Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier in service of the Russian Navy. After the rise of the New Russian Federation, the crew of the Admiral Aristov fought for it instead of the legitimate government.
NRF Uprising
The ship was in service of the Russian Navy as of 2015. When the radicals of the New Russian Federation faction overthrew the legitimate government of the country, the Admiral Aristov, like most of the military, loyally served them.[citation needed]
Hostile Fleet
In the mission Hostile Fleet, the carrier fought in the Black Sea with a large fleet in defense of a yacht on which the captured Russian Prime Minister was held. It can be assumed that the Admiral Aristov was part of the Black Sea Fleet. The carrier scrambled Su-33 Flanker-D fighters, though it was ultimately destroyed.[citation needed]