Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy/Parts
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This page contains a list of aircraft tuning parts in Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy.
Engine[edit | edit source]
- Turbo Engine: A versatile engine with increased power output.
- Costs 6,000. Increases Speed, decreases Mobility.
- Light Engine: Completely weight trimmed engine.
- Costs 12,000. Increases Speed, Mobility, Stability, decreases Defense.
- Caudal Engine: An engine equipped with enhanced mobility thrust vectoring nozzles.
- Costs 23,000. Increases Mobility and Stability, decreases Defense.
- Bullet Engine: An engine designed exclusively for speed.
- Costs 26,400. Increases Speed, decreases Mobility and Stability.
- RAMJet Engine: A powerful engine providing a large increase in speed.
- Costs 30,000. Increases Speed, decreases Mobility and Stability.
- SCRAMJet Engine: Although difficult to control, this engine provides a massive increase in speed.
- Costs 29,700. Increases Speed, decreases Mobility and Stability.
- C-Cycle Engine: A state of the art engine combining characteristics from multiple engines.
- Costs 44,000. Increases Speed, decreases Stability and Defense.
- Hayabusa Engine: A well-balanced engine streamlined for efficiency.
- Costs 28,700. Increases Speed and Mobility.
- Rocket Motor MOD: Additional parts for increasing acceleration.
- Costs 35,600. Increases Speed and Mobility, decreases Stability.
- Uranus Engine: A boosted cooling system that can deceive heat seeking missiles at stalled state.
- Costs 40,000. Increases Stability, decreases Speed, applies "Deceive MSSL."
Wing[edit | edit source]
- Extra Airbrake: Increases airbrake performance.
- Costs 3,500. Increases Stability, decreases Speed and Mobility.
- Extra Ladder: Increases aircraft stability and yaw performance.
- Costs 3,600. Increases Mobility and Stability, decreases Speed.
- Air Gripper: Increase aircraft stability and prevents stalls.
- Costs 3,600. Increases Stability, decreases Mobility.
- Extra Elron [sic]: The lightweight aileron allows for increased roll performance.
- Costs 15,100. Increases Mobility, decreases Stability and Defense.
- Extra Canard: The improved canard allows for increased pitch performance.
- Costs 11,000. Increases Mobility and Stability, decreases Speed and Defense.
- Adv. Actuator: This aileron actuator provides a dramatic increase in maneuverability.
- Costs 28,000. Increases Mobility and Stability, decreases Speed and Defense.
- Adv. Balance Tab: Increases stability at a slight cost to maneuverability.
- Costs 10,000. Increases Stability, decreases Mobility and Defense.
- Adv. A-Balance Tab: Increases flight-control response at a slight cost to stability.
- Costs 10,800. Increases Mobility, decreases Stability and Defense.
- Extra Hardpoint: Adds additional hardpoint beneath main wing, increasing weapon carrying capacity.
- Costs 40,000. Decreases Speed, Mobility, and Stability, increases Special Weapon Payload capacity.
- Adv. B. Wing Body: Made using the latest technology, creating improved maneuverability and resilience.
- Costs 32,000. Increases Mobility, Stability, and Defense.
Armor[edit | edit source]
- Scale Armor: Composed of multiple antiballistic panels resembling the scales of a fish.
- Costs 4,800. Increases Defense, decreases Speed, Mobility, and Stability.
- CFRP Conversion: The fuselage is replaced with a radar absorbent material increasing stealth properties.
- Costs 8,000. Decreases Mobility, Stability, and Defense, increases Stealth.
- Ceramic Armor: Extremely tough ceramic armor.
- Costs 16,000. Increases Defense, decreases Speed, Mobility, and Stability.
- Beatle Armor: Tough antiballistic armor characterized by its exquisite curvature.
- Costs 13,000. Increases Mobility and Defense, decreases Stability.
- Titanium Armor: Tough armor made from a dense titanium alloy.
- Costs 26,800. Increases Defense, decreases Speed, Mobility, and Stability.
- Light Armor: Light weight achieved at the expense of protection.
- Costs 28,300. Increases Mobility and Stability, decreases Defense.
- TiAl Armor: Next generation lightweight titanium aluminide armor.
- Costs 35,000. Increases Defense, decreases Speed and Mobility.
- Anti-Ground Armor: Greatly reduces damage from contact with surface terrain.
- Costs 19,000. Decreases Speed, Mobility, Stability, and Terrain Damage.
- Special Alloy Armor: Uses an incredibly tough exterior alloy to increase extended combat resilience to the maximum.
- Costs 60,000. Decreases Speed, applies "Endure Kill Shot."
- Extra Hardpoint: Adds additional hardpoint on body of aircraft, increasing weapon carrying capacity.
- Costs 44,000. Decreases Speed, Mobility, and Stability, increases Special Weapon Payload capacity.
Cockpit[edit | edit source]
Standard[edit | edit source]
- Emergency APS: Automatically adjusts the aircraft's position at low altitude to reduce the chances of crashing.
- Costs 6,800. Applies "Autopilot."
- Raven: Software designed to increase air-to-air capabilities.
- Costs 8,000. Increases Air-to-Air, decreases Air-to-Ground.
- Terra Hammer: Software designed to increase air-to-ground capabilities.
- Costs 7,000. Increases Air-to-Ground, decreases Air-to-Air.
- AMFD: Machine gun is automatically fired when gun reticule is displayed.
- Costs 18,000. Increases Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground, applies "Auto Gun."
- Mobius Loop: Increases success rate of Evasive Maneuver.
- Costs 24,000. Increases Evasive Maneuver.
- Sniper OS: The gun reticule is directly linked to the direction of the machine gun automatically aligning fire.
- Costs 30,000. Increases Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground, applies "Auto Gun Reticle."
- Argus: Provides a wider seeker range by enhancing HUD capability.
- Costs 33,000. Increases Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground, decreases Defense, applies "Wide Lock-On" and "Multi Lock-On."
- Garm's Eye: Increases accuracy of Attack Maneuver,
- Costs 39,000. Increases Attack Maneuver.
- Adv. FCS: Improves lock-on capabilities for normal missiles.
- Costs 42,000. Increases Air-to-Air, Air-to-Ground, and MSSL Range.
- ACE's amulet: A charm from someone special. Has a mysterious effect...
- Costs 55,000. Applies "Restore Damage."
Amiibos[edit | edit source]
The following parts are only unlocked in Assault Horizon Legacy + by scanning the respective amiibo figure.
- SP Part 1:
- Unlocked by scanning any Mario amiibo.
- Only compatible with the F-22 <MARIO>.
- SP Part 2:
- Unlocked by scanning any Luigi amiibo.
- Only compatible with the F-35 <LUIGI>.
- SP Part 3:
- Unlocked by scanning any Peach amiibo.
- Only compatible with the Typhoon <PEACH>.
- SP Part 4:
- Unlocked by scanning any Bowser amiibo.
- Only compatible with the A-10A <BOWSER>.
- SP Part 5: An SP aircraft part with enhanced escape maneuver and wider lock-on range.
- Unlocked by scanning any Samus amiibo. Decreases Defense. Increases Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground. Enables Wide Lock-On, Multi Lock-On, and Evasive Maneuver <UP>.
- Only compatible with the YF-23A <SAMUS ARAN>.
- SP Part 6:
- Unlocked by scanning any Captain Falcon amiibo.
- Only compatible with the F-16C <CAPTAIN FALCON>.
- SP Part 7: An SP aircraft part with enhanced aerial ability and additional rapid engine cooling feature.
- Unlocked by scanning any Star Fox amiibo. Increases Stability and Air-to-Air. Decreases Speed and Air-to-Ground. Enables Deceive MSSL.
- Only compatible with the FALKEN <STARFOX>.
- SP Part 8:
- Unlocked by scanning any Donkey Kong amiibo.
- Only compatible with the F/A-18E <DONKEY KONG>.
- SP Part 9:
- Unlocked by scanning any Pikmin or Olimar amiibo.
- Only compatible with the F-4E <PIKMIN & OLIMAR>.
- SP Part 10: An SP aircraft part with enhanced attack maneuvers and additional auto-turret ability.
- Unlocked by scanning any Link amiibo. Increases Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground. Enables Attack Maneuver <UP> and Auto Gun Reticle.
- Only compatible with the F-14D <LINK>.
- SP Part 11: An SP aircraft part with enhanced escape maneuvers and aircraft repair abilities.
- Unlocked by scanning any Zelda or Sheik amiibo. No stat changes. Enables Evasive Maneuver <UP> and Restore Damage.
- Only compatible with the F-15SE <ZELDA>.
- SP Part 12:
- Unlocked by scanning any Pac-Man amiibo.
- Only compatible with the PAK FA <PAC-MAN>.