User talk:Commander Lightning

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Belkan-affiliated Users Message Area (We salute you!)

yes but before I want to join the grabakc in 8492nd--Ofnir21 04:11, January 13, 2010 (UTC)

I have created the 3114th Taktische Jagdstaffel "Komet". I have four open slots still and you're welcome to have a place in the squadron.Wywyrm 1 23:33, June 23, 2010 (UTC)Wywyrm 1


but before i want to join wardog squadron but i don't even think it before so i just join ofnir Ofnir21 16:43, January 17, 2010 (UTC)

they not scum they are the razgriz we and grabarc we were shot down by them

Osean-affiliated Users Message Area (If you really must talk with us, then do so with caution...)

Yuktobanian-affiliated Users Message Area (Ah, what the heck. Go ahead.)

Hey there!

Today we rise again as one nation(Belka), in the face of betrayal and corruption! We all trusted this man(AWWNB) to deliver our great nation into a new era of prosperity. But like our monarchy before the Revolution, he has been colluding with the West with only self-interest at heart! Collusion breeds slavery! And we shall not be enslaved! The time has come to show our true strength. They underestimate our resolve. Let us show that we do not fear them. As one people we shall free our brethren from the yoke of foreign oppression! Our armies are strong and our cause is just. As I speak, our armies(Belkan Army are nearing their objectives, by which we will restore the independence of a once great nation. Our noble crusade has begun. Just as they lay waste to our country, we shall lay waste to theirs(Osean Federation, Yuktobania, Ustio. This is how it begins....

Today, begins the rise of the Belkan Waldreich!!!!


ALL BELKANS UNITE!!! OORAH!! (fires his AK-47 in the air).

Fieldtrip anyone?


I noticed the Nightmare Geshwader. It's a pretty extensive list, and I was wondering, who are the top four pilots in your squad (in terms of skill and experience)? I'm just looking for pilots to add to my Ace Hall of Fame. Thanks.

PS, I guess it's safe to assume that you are a member of the Rald Party. That makes two of us!

Hiel wir Hiellage Belka!!! (Translation: Long Live our Sacred Belka!!!)

Wywyrm 1 21:42, June 21, 2010 (UTC)Wywyrm 1

Commander, BAF, 6th Taktische Jagdgeshwader, 4th Jagdgruppe, 3113th Taktische Jagdstaffel "Wywyrm"


(Reply to your post on my talk page)

Agreed, but I must inform you that a prolonged war would be a mistake, as was the tactics of 2010-2012. The best method, in my opinion, is internal sabotage of the military, then from there, angstogate a Civil War. They would destroy themselves, then we swoop in and finish off what remains.Wywyrm 1 22:16, June 21, 2010 (UTC)Wywyrm 1


Well...I was thinking of both the military and the government, but especially the latter. Take two political parties that really hate each other's guts (aka, Nationalist and Communist Parties), rig the next Presedential election so no matter how people vote, the results will be be split 50-50 no matter how many times they do a recount. Tensions build, and the two frustrated parties start attacking each other, causing a division within the government and thus the whole of the nation, which would lead to hostilities within two to four years at the latest. It's a slow process, but an effective one. Even if it ends before we can take advantage of it, the resentment of the losing side could destabilize even further.Wywyrm 1 22:31, June 21, 2010 (UTC)Wywyrm 1


Hold it. I just recieved a message...and it just happens to be the leader of New Generation of Strigon Team. He's still fuming after I kicked his ass while flying as acting flight lead for another squad (Ironically called New Generation of the Ghosts of Razgriz). He wants a rematch, so I gotta go and show him who's the Top Gun...again.

See yah in a while, I'll be sure to let you know how it goes.

PS- I was doing some research into Blaze (Razgriz 1), and found he is of North Osean (South Belkan) nationality. Just something I found somewhat interesting...

Wywyrm 1 22:42, June 21, 2010 (UTC)Wywyrm 1


Talk about an act of treachery! I detect NGST on radar, only to discover that they're not flying their usual Su-33s, but instead were in CFA-44 Nosferatus with Multi-Directional Missle Launchers! This turned out to be the first time that all eight of my squadron members were flying together, and we engaged them. They had learned from last time not to fall for the Wywyrm's Nest, so instead we had to change strategies by splitting into 4 Two-plane elements. The CFA-44 is excellent in a turning fight, as are the Su-47s we were flying against them. In the end, however, our superior numbers once again caught up to them, and one by one they dropped like flies. I saved Strigon 1 for last and engaged him 1-on-1, the rest of my squad forming a Lufberry Circle to ensure he couldn't escape. Eventually I got behind him but I used up all my cannon ammo and missiles, but did I give up? HELL NO!!! I pulled up above him, did a barrel roll down on him, and at the last second flipped my left wing down and rammed him with my wing! He went down, and I survived with minimal damage. Gtg now.

Wywyrm 1 00:44, June 22, 2010 (UTC)Wywyrm 1


We've got a big problem right now. - Windhover 1

What problem? Also, Cmndr Lightning, I have recently formed the 3114th TJS "Komet". You're more than welcome to join as Komet 2. Just be sure to specify your aircraft (Bear in mind it needs to be one with ground attack capability. Also, specify if you want me to list your name, real or not, or to just list your name as "Classified", that goes for you too Grabacr 1).

Wywyrm 1 17:34, June 22, 2010 (UTC)Wywyrm 1

Ve shall find out about this immediately!


WE SHALL RESTORE BELKA TO IT'S FORMER GLORY!! Windhover 1 14:47, September 2, 2010 (UTC)