User blog:WarKnight 1/PAK FA What will/should it be called in the future.

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In 2010 The Sukhoi PAK FA was reveiled to the world. Many have seen the Russian stealth fighter as the answer to the F-22A Raptor. Now we all know that PAK FA is only a temporary naming for it I wondered


what will it be called when it goes into service in the next few years. What will its NATO Reporting Name be? Many people think it will be called the Su-50 Firefox but those are for people who are making a reference to the movie MiG-31 Firefox (Not to be confused with the MiG-31 Foxhound). Just to get those who are reading the product of my boredom thinking on what it should/will be called Here all the rules:

1) The Su-XX number has to end with an odd number (Like MiG-31, MiG-29, Su-35, Su-47)

2) For the NATO Reporting name has to Start with an 'F' and have two syllables since it is powerd by Jet engines (Fox-Hound, Ful-crum, Flan-ker, Fir-kin)

My suggestion: Su-51 'Feniks' My Reason for this is because Feniks is an alternate spelling on Pheonix the mythical Bird that burns for 500 years turning it to ash and being reborn in an egg from those ashes. Also it relates to the Raptor the master of the skys, Raptors relating to birds.