User blog:Callsign Goose/What's you favorite Ace Combat track?

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The "Favorite Missions" got me thinking. In every game they do an excellent job with the soundtracks. The music of Ace Combat is some of the best (if not the best) in gaming. What's your favorite song(s) from the series?


2-Warning Line, Rising High, Fire Youngman

4-Comona, Operation Bunker Shot, Megalith

5-The Journey Home, The Unsung War, Wings of Unity, First Flight, Naval Blockade, Fortress, Peace

6-Fires of Liberation, Liberation of Gracemeria

Zero-Zero, Mayhem, The Stage of Apocalypse, Excalibur, Diapason, Avalon, Galm 2, Credits

Assault Horizon-Dogfight, Fighter, Naval Warfare, Keep Alive, Shall defend, Launch, Stay Fly (Minus the rap part)

Joint Assult- Joint Assault, Sulejmani

X-Prelude/Joint Operation, Alect Squadron/Armada/Operation X