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Ace Combat 4,5,0 and 6 are my favorite Ace combat games. But I also enjoy other games like the GTA series, and the Call of Duty series aswell. Im a pretty avid gamer who enjoys Flight Simulators (of course) adventure,RPG,Action,FPS and TPS (Gears of War, Starwars Battlefront 1 and 2)and racing. And I also love the Resident Evil series of movies and games. Resident 4 is one of my favs, But I also enjoy a good nerd game like Oblivion and Pokemon. And I think strategy games are pretty fun, but very tedious and requires alot of thinking and planning ahead, like Halo Wars and Advance Wars (both awesome games). My music tends to lean tword Grindcore, Deathcore, Screamo, and Black Metal and Techno. If you dont know what that is let me help you by telling you some bands. The Devil Wears Prada, We Butter The Bread With Butter, Job For A Cowboy, and Escape The Fate. But please dont think Im goth or emo, cause Im niether of those. I just think all other music like Rap and Pop, Country, and especially todays Rock. Tends to stray away from what the label of their genre actually is. So I feel that most of today popular aritsts are just a bunch of posers (but thats my opinion, no offense to anybody that enjoys any of that music, I respect your tastes and intrests). Im also a band nerd (I play Tuba and Guitar) and im very good at both (no lie).So there you have it, Me UberIxiom in paragraph form.

AC Nationality- Erusea

Military Intrests-Erusean Air Force, 154th Tactical Fighter Squad (The Gargoyles)

Future Goals- Reforming Yellow Squad

After the Usean Continent War (which I served as a Recon Pilot in MIG-25s) I joined the 154th, who gladly took me in after the heavy losses they had over the Comona Islands. I began flying a SU-27 as a fighter instead of a armed Recon Version, I got tired of taking pictures for Erusean Commanders. We flew mock combat scenarios over the Artic, and had a mock intercept of B-52s on a bombing mission. But We did intercept some Yuktobanian Mig-31s that flew unusually close to Farbanti one day, they were not armed but it did raise some concern (this intercept took place during the Ace Combat 5 time). We were thinking that Yuktobania was planning a attack on Farbanti, but it never came (we then realized that the Migs became separated from their group on a failed covert bombing mission to Osea that was ruined due to bad weather, Why the Yuktobanians tried to go around Osea to attack from the east is unclear). I was then stationed in San Salvacion where I still remain as a liuetenant. But in 95 I was combat supervisor for Ustio Mercenary Air Units and engaged with Belkan fighters over Arlon and Hoffnung. But me being there was deemed top secret by Erusean Command and only Ustio Commanders knew about me, In Ustio I flew a F-15C with Ustio markings. And during the Belkan War I watched over Ustio Mercenary forces and relayed battle info to command. After the war I returned to Erusea, but was called on by Osea for a secret mission that is not mentioned or told in AC5. Today, Im still in the 154th based in San Salvacion (Im also fairly close to the old Yellow Squad base) The aggresion twords Erusea by the Citizens of San Salvacion is long since gone. And people welcome us with open arms and accept Eruseas peaceful operations in their country, and hope to open good relations with Erusea and continue peace in the region.

Planes- Su-27, Mig-21, Su-37

Motto- Shoot em down and pick up the pieces later.

Combat Record- 12 confirmed kills, 3 Belkan planes during the Belkan War and 9 Yuktobanian planes during the Circum Pacific War.


Secret Missions- During Circum Pacific War, The Osean Air Force secretly asked Erusea to intercept and destroy Yuktobanian planes that tried to enter Osea from the north, so we were based up in North Osea to be a shield against suprise attacks from the north while the war went on at the west coast and Yuktobania (we flew with Osean markings). We intercepted mostly recon planes and "covert" but failed bombing missions by B-52s and TU-95s. But we had a occasional Yuktobonian Naval Ship or Submarine, which we did destroy.After the war I went back to Erusea