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hi there im cody lee yeager ive been playing ace combat for 25 years now ive started playing the games during the ps1 era when i was four years old i was a novice at first but time has passed and ive become really good at the games ive replayed all the games to improve my combat skills and so far ive plyed 10 games of the series and my favorite game of all time personally is ace combat 2 because scarface squadron is an awesome squadron like the others and phoneix is my favorite main character i was so inspired by the charatcer so i nicknamed myself the SCARFACEPHOENIX and currently i hold the undefeated recored of enemy bosses/squadrons ive defeated currently im 35-0

and my main goal is to make a name for myself for being the best ace combat legendary player and wanted to play more ace combat games in the future

my favorite wingman kei nagase (edge)
my favorite aircraft XAF-27A
my favorite emblem of all time the scarface phoenix


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