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Hello, my name is Firkiin, formerly AWACS SkyEye. I can't change my name again on Fandom so it's stuck as NotAWACSSkyEye. I prefer to be called Firkiin but do not mind being referred to by my old username.


ISAF Air Force AWACS callsign "SkyEye", currently assigned to the 118th Tactical Fighter Wing also known as the "Mobius" Squadron. Assisted Mobius Squadron throughout the Continental War, Operation Katina and lately Operation Gator Panic. I grew up in the country of ███████ on the Usean continent on the 19th of September, ████. Full name is █████ ██████, after I turned ██ I enlisted in the ISAF Air Force to become an AWACS and to be assigned to the 118th Tactical Fighter Wing. 

118th Tactical Fighter Wing in-flight.

During the Continental War, I assisted the 118th Tactical Fighter Squadron in numerous operations, during Operation Stone Crusher on the 2nd of April, 2005 was when I finally realised the ability that the 118th Tatical Fighter Wing's flight lead, Mobius 1 was capable of when he single handedly took down seven out of eight Stonehenge railguns and shot down a Yellow Squadron member.

19th of September, 2005 was when the ISAF launched Operation Autumn Thunder, the goal of the operation was to take control of Erusea's captial Farbanti and the Erusean militaries GHQ. The operation was a major success and of course, Mobius 1 showed off his incredible ability by shooting down all Yellow Squadron members including the flight lead. Erusea finally surrendered, many high ranking Erusean military personnel were killed and the war was over.

26th of September, 2005. Erusea had seemed to of completed Megalith, a missile launch facility just before they surrendered, a group of young Erusean officers refused to accept the countries surrender and took over Megalith, planning on using it as a retaliatory weapon. In return, the ISAF quickly commenced Operation Judgement Day to finally put an end to this. Ground forces sent inside the facility were overwelmed quickly but managed to take over the sub-control room to help in Mobius 1's exit from inside the facility, as his job was to fly into a nearby tunnel into a silo to destroy a large missile. I had faith in him after seeing what he has pulled of before and he did it, destroying the missile and stopping the Erusean officers from retaliating. Finally concluding the Continenal War.

Mobius 1's aircraft.

2006, a resistance group known as Free Erusea had taken over a large weapons factory in White Valley Bay. The group had been formed by ex-military personnel from Erusea that rebelled against the ISAF after the conclusion of the Continenal War. ISAF commenced Operation Katina, I was to assist Mobius 1 in taking down the group. After numerous skirmishes between him and the group, we finally made it to White Valley Bay, where their factory was and after a long battle, Mobius 1 came out on top, destroying the base. A new squadron appeared, it was four unmanned experimental fighters that attempted to shoot down Mobius 1 but his maneuvering was too much for even a squad of unmanned fighters as he shot all them down. After, we managed to recover the data of the Erusean's unmanned fighter program. The rebels were defeated and with the new government installed, Erusea could finally begin their path to recovery.

During Operation Gator Panic.

2014, Operation Gator Panic. No further informaton is to be released about this operation.