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Hello! I'm Lycan01, a fanatic of Ace Combat, never played the first three installments though, but I had thousands of hours experience in playing the other installments from 4,5,X and zero, sadly I never had the chance to play 6 because its platform is Xbox 360. My favorite fighter is the Su-37 Terminator, especially in the Yellow 13 paint scheme.

Information about me

1) I like being a lone fighter; usually I fight other pilots alone I don't command my Squadron in ace combat 5 to help me, I only want them behind me.

2) I never really specialize in air to ground and air to ship missions, I suck at those, just an average dude in those areas.

3) I always imply the 8 rules of the Dicta Boelcke the rules that always lead me to victory, if you want to know them here they are:

For lone fighters:

> Always secure every possible advantage before engaging, keep the sun behind you.

> Always continue the attack you had begun.

> Fire only at close range, and only when your enemy is properly in your sights.

> Always keep your eyes and attention to your targeted opponent and never let yourself be deceived by their dirty tricks.

> In any kind of attack, the best position is attacking them from behind directly at their six o'clock.

> If your opponent attacks you by diving don't try to run from it but try to attack it head on and meet it.

For squadrons( the tactics above are also usable ):

> If over enemy lines never forget your own line of retreat / always get to your squadron when you are in danger, they will protect you.

> Tips for squadrons: always attack an enemy squadron with each of your members having its own target try to stick in one on one combat tactics, but watch each others back.

4) My favorite maneuver is the Split S cause it looks cool.

5) My favorite Ace Combat is Ace combat X: Skies of Deception cause you always get to fly alone, your squadron mates are pretty much useless.

6) I really like more than 10 to 1 dogfights in Ace combat, like mission Alect Squadron, makes my blood flow.

7) I usually fight in close proximities but when fighting worthy adversaries I never regret using my SU-37's XLAA.

8) I usually fight at altitudes of 4000 meters or less, I hate high altitude dogfights, that's my Achilles Heel.

9) My aircraft of choice are: of course the SU-37 the Mig-29 and the Mig-31.

10) I really hate stealth fighters, they're annoying, especially the F-22 and the FALKEN so I always check my six if I see one.

Well thats all for know, if you have any questions just leave a message.