User:LegendaryAce 73

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My Bio

Welcome to my profile page. Obviously since you're here, you're interested in me to some degree, so why don't I cut the chatter and talk about myself?

My name is Blu Razgriz, but you can call me BR, Razgriz, or whatever you like, as long at it relates to my username. You can also call me LegendaryAce 73, or any variations of it, as that is my Xbox Live name.

Incidentally, I am an Xbox gamer, but I haven't always been. Back in '98, when I was but a wee child, I was given Air Combat on my brother's PSOne. I continued with Ace Combat 2, and then Ace Combats' 3, 4, 5, and Zero on the PS2. However, when Ace Combat 6 came out, I switched over to Xbox 360 and got myself that sweet Ace Combat 6 Ace-Edge bundle. I then stayed with Xbox until the Xbox One came out, and then upgraded to that, and am now patiently awaiting Ace Combat 7.

Ace Combat IS my absolute favorite game, but there are others that I play, including:


Just Cause


And many others that I don't feel like naming, but that you can check out by visiting my Xbox Live profile here. Simply type LegendaryAce 73 into the search box.

As you can tell, I have my own fighter Squadron, the 173rd Tactical Fighter Squadron. If you're wondering, we fly in a Finger Four Squadron. If you don't know what that means, separate your fingertips slightly and look at the formation they make. If you still don't know, it's the Razgriz formation.

I fly Flight Lead, followed by my first wingman Cyber, second wingman Dorado, and third wingman Icepick. Together we fly an effective four man flight, or split up into two groups.

As for the Ace Combat games I've played, here's a complete list.

Ace Combat Games I've Played

Air Combat

Air Combat cover.jpg

Completed on hardest difficulty without losing any aircraft

Ace Combat 04

AC04 box art.jpg

Completed on Ace difficulty with all S Ranks and all Aircraft unlocked and bought.

Ace Combat 5

Ace Combat 5 Box Art US Canada.jpg

Completed on Ace difficulty with all S Ranks and all Aircraft unlocked and bought.

Ace Combat Zero

Ace Combat Zero Box Art North America.jpg

Completed on Ace difficulty with all S Ranks on all Ace Styles with all Aircraft unlocked and bought and complete Assault Record.

Ace Combat 6

Ace Combat 6 Box Art North America.jpg

Completed on Ace and Ace of Aces difficulty with all S Ranks and complete Assault Record.

Ace Combat X

Ace Combat X Box Art PAL.jpg

Completed on highest difficulty with all A Ranks.

Ace Combat Assault Horizon


Completed on Ace difficulty with all A Ranks on Mission Select.