User:Galm 1

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About me

Ustio's famed Squadron the 66th Air Force Unit

Galm 1

Galm 1 a.k.a the "Demon Lord of the Round Table", this famed pilot earned this title due to his domination of Air space B-7R and the copious amounts of kills he scored flying in many of hs numerous sorties. He dissapeared from history leaving very few traces of his existence and yet, he impacted history by just being one of the aces that flew in the Belkan Conflict, leaving and beggining a new age of aerial combat. He was and still is one of the greatest pilots to grace the skies with majestic flight and fierce manuevering.


"He was a true ace." Exerpt from an interview with "Solo Wing Pixy"
"I should be able to fly like Galm 1, without any unnecesary manuevers." Actual in-mission dialogue by P.J. of the Crow squadron and the late Galm 2." He was amazed at Cipher's skill and wanted to emulate the "Demon Lord".
"Yo buddy, still alive?" in-mission dialogue and exerpt from interview with "Solo Wing Pixy". He thought of Galm 1 as a comrade, although later on he had differing ideals, he thought that Galm 1 was another being who had his heart in the sky.

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