User:Gabriel 1

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NOTE: Pardon being gone so long but the passcode wa slost for a while. Though now my squadron is back and it is interesting flying again. Gabriel 1 01:44, May 4, 2010 (UTC)

Articles Created/ Edited

Fan Made Squadrons (Created.)

Pilot Infomation

Squadron: Archangel Squadron

Country/ Location: Abandon air base off the cost of Osea.

Air Force: Various since he only wishes to be paid in the air crafts he flys for who he works for. He also collects "special planes" from who he works for in order to show the top aces he shot down. The Osea base was given to him by the Osean Government as a small gift for halting the Belkans.

Names: (Unkown at this time.)

Squadron position: Leader

Rank: Captain

Quote: "If you can cauch up with me then your good. If you can hit me the your great. But never try to shoot me out of the air. You will lose that fight."

Squadron Callsign: Archangel 1, Gabriel, Gabriel 1 (Named, Gabriel 1, because another pilot said both his nickname and squadron position while flying over a restricted airspace that disrupted comunications between the both of them).

Squadron Colors: Brown (metallic), Green (metallic), Red (metallic), Blue (metallic).

Squardon Sysmbol: The Solar system in a planetary allignment at the top in a circle with a aircraft zooming from the sun and turning to fly out of the solar system and the squadron name below the plane with the plane in the squadrons colors.

Description: Perfers to fly alone since he does not wish to lose any squadron member to a simple mistake. He can fly any aircraft given to him but prefers to fly either the weakest he is given or a X-02 Wyvern. The only reaosn he fights is to bring justice to the world. He has been in almost every conflict but made his debut in helping an unknown country stop a terrorist organisation from taking over. He has since finished helping out in the recent war with the Belkans and is now reciting peace at an abandon air base off the cost of Osea.

Active: Yes.

Aircraft: Any, X-02 Wyvern


Below are the missions this pilot has taken on.


Mission - Game - Description.

Save neutral country from terrorist threat. - Air Combat - Archangel's first mission came to a surprise. A rouge organisation tryed to take over a lone country but failed when a mercenary squardon showed up and defeated them. The Archangel squadron was formed by a lone pilot who went out to stop a unique aircraft just beyond the contry's border over the ocean. After the war the Archangel squadron went their seperate ways except for Archangel 1 who kept the squadron alive by defeding other countryes who needed help. Around this time Archangel 1 set off in his own aircraft to visit other countrys but not before dissapearing in an area known as the Bermuda Tiangle.

Belka war - Ace Combat Zero - The Archangel Squadron helps out Usea in the Belka conflict and Archangel 1 recieves his own plane the X-02 Wyvern. With his own plane he was considered to be almost unstopable but since archangel had a hold on a couple projects that were being developed behind enemy lines he up graded his plane to carry fuel that some how will not burn out and weapons that can build themselves using a type a nanobot technology.

World War 3 - Ace Combat Five - The Archnagel squadron takes the side of the Usea continant and fights the Yuktobanians. Although the squadron had free time to test a couple of prototypes developed by Usean scientists at the time such as lasers and engines. After the war Usea was grateful and provided the Archangel squadron their own island base off the west coast of Usea in international waters. Though the base is placed a little farther south than Sand Island. Usea also gave the archangel squadron any aircraft they wanted for their base and their efforts.

Civil war in Usea! - Ace Combat 04 - Archangel 1 was responcible in destroying a "sister" project to both Stonehenge and Megalith where both projects were combined into one. ISAF became grateful and so allowed the Archangel squadron keep their own base in the northern part of Usea as well as several aircraft ISAF found or experimented with. How Archangel 1 lived for so long is unknown.

Unknown - Ace Combat 2, Ace Combat 3, Ace Combat X - It is unknown if the Archangel squadron participated in any of these events but it is likey that they did.

Conflict with the super weapons - Ace Combat 6 - Archangel 1 was known to be heading to a lone country to stop a war that could result in a catastrophe. Nothing is known for now as to if he arrived or if he became lost. The Archangel Squadron also finds other squadrons in this war and some of them are for the defence of the lone country while others work to defend the super weapons and destroy the other squadrons. Strangely the lone country hosts tornaments for squadrons to see how is the best but the Archangel Squadon has not arrived so nothing is known about this country for now.

Higher, faster, further - Ace Combat Advanced - Archangel 1 goes to defend a country around the 2050's or 2060's. They give him both his own base and any weapon or plane he chooses. It is also one of the few times a refueler plane assists the Archangel Squadron since in this time peroid Archangel 1's X-02 Wyvern is back at another base undergoing repairs.

Project Nemesis

This project was started by a company called "Blackstar Industries" where they invented a way to expand a person's lifespan fifty fold but at a cost. The serum caused the person to become more violent as well as smarter. Archangel 1 was said to be an escapee from their headquarters but turned out with no side effects. At which time the Industry launched "Project Nemesis" to capture Archangel 1 for "restudying". Their are three squadrons each from unknown countries. (The planes, and/ or pilots, may chnage in the future so nothing is definate as of now. Gabriel 1 08:24, 6 July 2009 (UTC))

Squadron Name: Black Squadron

Pilots/ w planes:

"Ace" - JSF-35C

"Reaper" - SR-71

"Stargazer" - F-15 Strike Eagle

"Raptor" - A-10 Thunderbolt II

Motto: "If you want to run go ahead. If you want to fight crash into a mountain now."

Squadron Name: Storm Squadron

Pilots/ w planes:

"Tiger" - Mirage 2000C

"Skull" - Tornado

"Raven" - EF-2000 Eurofighter

"Eagle" - CH-47 Chinook (Odd selection but this pilot performs better with it than the "Yellow Squadron" combined.)

Motto: "We might not look like much but trust me your plane is nothing but a fly."

Squadron Name: Delta Squadron

Pilots /w planes

"Angel" - SU-47

"Thunder" - MIG-29 Fulcrum

"Terminator" - SU-37

"Barrier" - F-22 Raptor

Motto: "Try and die!"

(The next squadron is an odd one since even though they hunt the Archangel squadron their past is unknown while only one member is confirmed. The ADFX^2 (or squared) is like the ADF-01 but it has been heavily modified so that it is almost indestructible as well as have the ability to fly into space using only it's engines.)

Squadron Name: Nemesis Squadron

Pilots / w planes:

"Hunter" - ADFX^2

Motto: (Taken from a message over a control tower.) "Rise and fall. The way of empires."

Other Information

To see my main page see Rift Fleet on the memory Gamma wiki.

Fan Made Squadrons

Hey Gabriel. I'm just asking, how do you add your own title and information for your made-up squadron? Because I tried doing it by editing the page but it ends up being part of another squadron's information.

Can you tell me how.

