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About me


My name is Allen F. Sanchez, I was born on August 8th, 1978 in Oured Osea. Originally I was supposed to run my family business selling clothing in November City, but when the Belkan War broke out in 1995, I joined the OMDF (Osean Military Defence Force) at age 17 and never returned to run my family business. During the war I shot down 32 Belkan & A World With No Boundaries Aircraft and had a tight relationship with the Ustion Air Force Unit- Galm Team.

In 2010, I was reactivated in the OMDF to serve in the Circum-Pacific War at age 32. I did not serve long in that War as I was shot down by Yuktobanian Air Force Aces in the war's first few days. My wound's ended my combat career and I retired as a Major. I currently own a deli in downtown Bana City and maintain a good life.

The 108 Yuktobanian Search & Destroy Squadron shot me down. And also, I LIKE TURTLES! And also, visti killerz509's talk page and leave a -nice- comment

My contributions