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"Attention, all vessels. The only thing that exists between Yuktobania and Osea is hatred. Prime Minister Nikanor has joined the enemy. Recognize him as such, and sink the enemy fleet with him."
― Captain of the Umely[1]

The Umely was a Yuktobanian Kirov-class cruiser and the designated flagship of a large Yuktobanian Navy armada that served during the Circum-Pacific War. She was sunk by Razgriz Squadron in late December 2010 during an engagement with the Kestrel Fleet.


The Umely was constructed sometime before 2010; her battle record prior to the Circum-Pacific War remains unknown. However, at some point, the Umely became the designated flagship of a sizable Yuktobanian naval armada stationed in the Ceres Ocean.

On December 29, 2010, at 1721hrs, the Umely and its battle group encountered a small Osean fleet. It was soon discovered that the aircraft carrier Kestrel was harboring the Yuktobanian prime minister, Seryozha Viktrovich Nikanor, who attempted to pacify his countrymen with assurances of peace with Osea. However, the Umely's captain (and fleet's commanding officer) interrupted Nikanor and called him a traitor for siding with the enemy. The Umely's captain then ordered his fleet to sink the Osean vessels along with Nikanor.[1]

When the captain of the frigate Pitomnik refused his standing order, the Umely's captain ordered all "loyal" ships to fire on the "traitor[ous]" Pitomnik, which was consequently sunk. This callous act compelled several other warships, led by the missile destroyer Gumrak, to defect to the Osean fleet and protect Nikanor. As the defecting warships began to pull away from the fleet, the Umely's captain warned that any vessels unwilling to follow the Umely would be fired upon.[1] However, the defectors bravely defied his threats and assumed a battle formation several hundred meters ahead of the Osean fleet. During the ensuing naval battle, the Umely and her fleet were sunk by Razgriz Squadron, which had launched from the Kestrel to protect the new coalition fleet.[2]


  • The Umely's name is an alternate spelling of the Russian word "umelyi" (Умелый), which means "skillful".
  • It is interesting to note that the Yuktobanian fleet's flagship is a cruiser, considering how many flagships in modern real-world navies are aircraft carriers. During World War II, however, flagships were often chosen for their speed, rather than power. This implies that the Umely may not have been as powerful as the Admiral Tsanev, but it may have been faster, due to the "Kirov"-class battlecruiser's top speed of 32 knots (59 km/h; 37 mph) outpacing the "Kuznetsov"-class aircraft carrier's top speed of 29 knots (54 km/h; 33 mph).
