Transcript:Test Flight
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This article is a transcript of Test Flight, the tutorial mission in Ace Combat Infinity. This article uses the following controls:
- Control Type: Expert
- Reverse Left Stick Vertical Axis: On
- Reverse Right Stick Vertical Axis: Off
- Throttle / Yaw Control: Standard
- Radar Map / Switch Weapons: Type A
Mission Dialogue
Mission Start
- Tower: Welcome to your flight training test. You are cleared for takeoff. Winds are 360 degrees at 10 knots.
- Accelerate using R1.
Keep the button held down and take off.
- Tower: This is the flight tower speaking. Once again, you are cleared for takeoff.
- Tower: Are you reading me? Please being your takeoff.
After taking off
- Please release the button.
You will take off at the regular speed.
- Tower: All right, we've got you on radar; coming in loud and clear. Commencing flight test.
- Tower: We'll start by checking your aircraft.
- Tower: Let's test your ascent and descent capabilities.
- Tower: Raise your pitch and ascend.
- Use Left Analog Stick Down to pitch up (raise the aircraft's nose).
Increase your altitude to 5249ft (1600m).
- Tower: Ascend.
- Tower: Is there a problem? Raise your pitch and ascend.
- Tower: Watch where you're flying.
After ascending to 1600m
- Tower: Good.
- Tower: Now lower your pitch and descend.
- Use Left Analog Stick Up to pitch down (lower the aircraft's nose).
Decrease your altitude to 3937ft (1200m).
- Tower: Descend.
- Tower: Is something wrong? Lower your pitch and descend.
After descending to 1200m
- Tower: All right.
- Tower: Next up, let's test out turning.
- Tower: Try turning your aircraft to the right.
- Use Left Analog Stick Right to tilt your aircraft to the right.
Then use Left Analog Stick Down to turn right.
- Tower: Perform a right turn.
- Tower: Everything okay? Turn your aircraft to the right.
After turning right
- Tower: Now try turning your aircraft to the left.
- Use Left Analog Stick Left to tilt your aircraft to the left.
Then use Left Analog Stick Down to turn left.
- Tower: Turn left.
- Tower: Are you there? Turn your aircraft to the left.
After turning left
- Tower: That's it. Good.
- Tower: Now use your auto-level control to go back to level flight.
- Press R2 and L2 at the same time to automatically level out your aircraft.
- Tower: Use your auto-level control.
- Tower: I repeat, use your auto-level control to go back to level flight.
After auto-leveling the plane
- Tower: Good job.
- Tower: Now use your yaw control to move horizontally right.
- Use R2 to yaw right (move parallel to the right).
- Tower: Move horizontally right.
- Tower: Do you copy? Use your yaw control to move horizontally right.
After yawing right
- Tower: Check. Nicely done.
- Tower: Use your yaw control to move horizontally left.
- Use L2 to yaw left (move parallel to the left).
- Tower: Move horizontally left.
- Tower: Still with me? Use your yaw control to move horizontally left.
After yawing left
- Tower: Okay. That wraps up the basics.
- Tower: Next, we'll test acceleration and deceleration.
- Tower: Increase your throttle to build speed.
- Accelerate using R1.
Press the button firmly to accelerate quickly.
- Tower: You need to speed up.
- Tower: Is there a problem? Increase your throttle to build speed.
After accelerating
- Tower: Well done.
- Tower: Next, decrease your throttle to lower your speed.
- Decelerate using L1.
Press the button firmly to decelerate quickly.
However, be careful not to slow down too much as this will cause your aircraft to stall. Accelerate to recover from a stall.
- Tower: You need to slow down.
- Tower: What's the holdup? Decrease your throttle to lower your speed.
After decelerating
- Tower: All right, speed checks confirmed.
- Tower: Now I need you to perform a high-G turn.
- Decelerate using L1 while turning to turn more sharply.
When stalling, accelerate to recover.
- Tower: Let's see a high-G turn.
- Tower: Everything all right? Perform a high-G turn.
After making a High-G Turn
- Tower: Good job. No issues with your aircraft. Everything checks out nice and smooth.
- Tower: Next up, we've got an ordnance test for your standard missiles.
- Tower: Approach the dummy target up ahead and lock on to it from standard-missile range.
- Approach the target indicated by the green targeting box.
A 3D arrow will be displayed to indicate the direction of the target when the enemy is not within visual range.
- Tower: Approach the dummy target ahead.
- Tower: What are you waiting for? Approach the dummy target and get it in range.
After approaching the target
- Approach the target indicated by the green targeting box.
When the green box changes to a red box lock on is complete.
Press Circle to fire a homing missile.
After locking on to the target
- Tower: All right, you're in range. Fire a missile.
- Tower: You're in range and locked on. Fire a missile.
- Tower: You need to fire a missile.
- Tower: No need to hold back. Fire a missile.
After destroying the target
- Tower: Target destroyed.
- Tower: Nice work.
- Tower: Next, we need to check your radar equipment.
- Tower: Use your search radar to find and attack the dummy targets.
- Tower: Your search radar can be swapped out for a mid- or wide-range battle map.
- Press Select to increase the range of the radar.
Locate enemies by switching to the battle map. Once located, approach them and go for the kill.
- Tower: Check your search radar and attack the dummy targets.
- Tower: You need to attack the dummy targets.
Destroying the targets
- Tower: Dummy target 1 destroyed.
- Tower: Dummy target 2 destroyed.
- Press Cross to fire the machine gun.
The machine gun does not have the ability to lock on.
Target the enemy from the front and shoot.
- Tower: Dummy target 3 destroyed.
- Press Triangle to switch between enemy targets.
- Tower: Three targets left.
- Tower: Two targets left.
- Tower: One target left.
- Tower: All targets destroyed.
- Tower: All checks complete.
Free Flight Start
- Tower: Next, we'll run a free flight test.
- Tower: We've placed several rings and dummy targets in your area.
- Tower: Fly through the rings and destroy the targets.
- From here on, you can practice flying and attacking to your heart's content.
You can end the training from the pause menu.
Flying in the northeast area
- Tower: There are a series of rings near your location.
- Tower: Try to keep your flying as efficient as possible.
Flying in the north area
- Tower: There are multiple targets near your location.
- Tower: Don't miss any of them.
Flying over the ocean
- Tower: You're over the ocean now. Don't lose track of your location.
Flying near the southern bridge
- Tower: Take care not to collide with any bridge supports.
Flying near the city
- Tower: Approaching urban area.
- Tower: Take care not to collide with any buildings.
When a target is high above the player
- Tower: The target's above you. Raise your altitude.
Flying through a ring
- Tower: Ring clear.
Flying through rings in quick succession
- Tower: Look at you!
Destroying a target
- Tower: Dummy target destroyed.
Destroying targets in quick succession
- Tower: Nice little streak there!
Out of time
- Tower: Nice work out there. This concludes the flight test. Return to HQ.
- Tower: Remember, you're free to use this area for training purposes whenever you like.