Template:Cite tweet

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@{{{username}}} ({{{date}}}). {{{url}}}. X.

Template documentation (for the template shown above, sometimes hidden or invisible)

This template is used to format citations to posts made on X. It should be used within <ref></ref> tags.


The basic formatting with only the required parameters is as follows:

{{Cite tweet|username= |date= |url=}}

The full template with all possible parameters is as follows:

{{Cite tweet|username= |date= |url= |author= |quote= |transquote= |archiveurl= |archivedate= }}


Parameter Required? Usage
username Yes The username of the X account that made the post, which can be found in the URL
date Yes The date the post was made in the following format: 31 January 2000
url Yes The full URL to the post; there should be no parameters after the long string of numbers
author No The full name of the person or organization that owns the X account that made the post; if this is a person, present their name in Last Name, First Name order
quote No The unedited text from the post that is relevant to the citation, or the full unedited post (ending period is unnecessary)
transquote No A translation of quote from the original language to English
archiveurl No The full URL to an archived version of the source
archivedate Depends The date the archive was created in the following format: 31 January 2000
This is required if archiveurl is set.