Talk:Meson Cannon Mk2

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Play Ace Combat X thankyou! 16:24, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

Where in the game does it exactly say "Mk. 2"?

And whoever created this article states that it entered service in 2025. The events in ACX only occurs in 2020. Please provide a valid proof that says anything about the Mk. 2

just get rid of the artical- User:ISAF


well lets see if it is in AC7 if not we can get rid of this artical-User:ISAF

Dudes, dudes! Calm down. Just leave the guy alone for Christ sakes! I've got an informant within Namco-Bandai. Pretty, neat, ain't it? He provides me with most osf my information. The Meson Mk. 2 does exist in the Ace Combat World. It won't be in the series though. Ever. :(

Anyway, in the game ACX, the Meson Cannon went ka-boom when the Southern Cross arrived at Griswall. Would it be the smart decision to rebuild it? Answer: YES! Of course! The Meson Cannon was Grswall's only defensive capability against foreign invaders. So, When the Meson Mk.2 becomes operational in the AC Universe, that is way after ACX's time period. Is that logical for you guys? Huh!? Because: IT IS NOT IN THE GAME!!!! AND IT WON'T BE!! EVER!!!!!

This wiki is about the ace combat series. The article provides insight about what happened to the Meson cannons after Gryphus 1 blew them all up. It provides a reason why Aurelia was never invaded again, by anyone or Leasath. I thought they just demolished the cannon, wall and power plants before reading this article.

the picture used for the illustration from

maybe Osea really wants to invade Aurelia in a future game

perfict. mabe nuke griswall frm belka. a nice nuke war. hell you could be gryfus 1. sorry for my spelling. not as well at typing. User:ISAF