OFS Stork

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"This is the Stork, there are small boats hiding in the ruins. Take them out before they can approach the fleet."
― OFS Stork crewman

The OFS Stork was an Osean Arleigh Burke-class destroyer that operated during the Lighthouse War.[1]


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The Stork participated in Operation Giant's Step as part of a task fleet attacking Farbanti from the southwest. During the battle, her crewmen informed the Long Range Strategic Strike Group that a group of enemy ships were hiding in the submerged municipal district, and asked them to eliminate the threat. She and a few other ships approached Farbanti Port, intending to forcefully land there. During the landings, Sol Squadron started engaging the LRSSG. Before engaging, Mihaly A. Shilage sunk the Hornbill and Shoebill.[1]


  • If the player does not destroy Sol Squadron and begin the chase sequence with Mihaly and Wiseman, the former will sink the Egret, Stork, and the Crane before starting the chase.
