General Resource LTD Conflict

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A conflict involving General Resource Limited occurred in 2032, with the formation of the authoritarian Air Strike Force division provoking the equally corporate-created United Air Defense into existence and conflict.


As globalization blurred national borders, corporations rose as economic superpowers and waged war over the world's dwindling natural resources. General Resource, possessing the world's largest private military as the leading economic superpower, employed the Air Strike Force to eliminate any perceived threats to their status. Multiple dying corporations, in response, formed the United Air Defense to stop their efforts dead in their tracks and restore global stability.[1]


As the conflict raged, greenhorn[1] UAD pilot Ace encountered enemy aircraft on their way to UAF new base of operations. Despite this, they were able to arrive intact.[2] Once there, they were sent on a mission to destroy supply containers being supplied to General Resource troops, and succeeded despite land and air resistance.[3]

The UAD then sent Ace to a fend off an ASF attack on an allied island. The attack was repelled, with many ASF aircraft and ships (including battleship Ramasis) taken care of.[4] After the defense, Ace destroyed oil rigs owned by General Resource[5] and fended off responding ASF aircraft on their way back to base.[6] Then, Ace escorted a convey to establish a new radar point[7] and mounted a strike on an ASF airport, destroying much of its infrastructure.[8]

In retaliation, the ASF launched a two-pronged counterattack on the UAD base,[9] and the aircraft carrier UAD Yamato.[10], both of which Ace was able to defend. With the reprisals foiled, the UAD deployed Ace to recon an ASF base for HQ,[11] and then to wipe out an oil refinery, which was successful and cut off the ASF from its most precious assets.[12]

The ASF was not deterred despite its defeats, making one last gamble by regrouping to the north and launching nuclear missiles at key UAD bases. Ace arriveed at the base, destroying the base's missiles and other assets.[13]


The fall of the ASF shattered the full realization of General Resource's ambitions. With the losses sustained in the conflict and the numerous losses, the task force presumably dissolved.
