- "An enormous jack-o'-lantern decorates the body of this aircraft, but don't let it's outward appearance fool you. This aircraft is more than meets the eye. That is, if you can keep your eye on it..."
- ― XBOX Marketplace description
The F-14D -HALLOWEEN- is a downloadable aircraft skin in Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation. It was released on October 23, 2007 at the cost of 200 Microsoft Points, but the price was later changed to free.[1]
The F-14D -HALLOWEEN- is an F-14D Super Tomcat with a black and orange paint scheme, featuring a jack-o-lantern design on the midsection and wings of the airframe. A jack-o-lantern is also featured on the plane's nose, and the phrase "Happy Halloween" is on the right wing.
In a first for the Ace Combat series, this skin also modifies the performance for the aircraft, a feature that would carry over to future DLC and future games. The F-14D -HALLOWEEN- is notably weaker than the F-14D; it has slightly reduced speed, air-to-air, and air-to-ground statistics, and all of its weapon counts have suffered a major reduction. However, the aircraft is the only player-controlled aircraft in Ace Combat 6 that features stealth capabilities, allowing the player to hide from radar and make tracking much more difficult for enemy aircraft.
Purchase Links
- ↑ その他 -- マーケットプレース. Retrieved October 31, 2014.