『The latest, elite air supremacy fighter created through joint development between the four countries of England, Germany, Spain, and Italy. Offering high maneuverability, an excellent fire control system also allows it to excel at air combat against multiple targets. A combination of a close-coupled delta canard wing (front wing) and delta wings provide excellent aerodynamic capabilities, giving it agility most suited to the name, the "Typhoon".』
『The Typhoon represents the leading edge of air superiority fighter technology. The close-coupled delta-canard configuration gives the aircraft its distinct design. Developed by an international consortium, the flexible design ensures that the Typhoon can be modified to answer the fighter needs of all nations involved. The Typhoon fuses maneuverability with precision providing the pilot with ease of control. Long-range missiles allow it to destroy multiple enemy aircraft while staying out of lock-on range. Whether from a distance or in a dogfight, the Typhoon’s robust capabilities assure its dominance in any battle.』
Zephyr - Found in mission 12A: Gaiuss Tower. Spawns to the east with YF-23 reinforcements if the allied ground forces take no damage.
Aurelia color
Leasath color
Special 1 color
Special 2 color
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War
『An air superiority fighter developed by an international coalition. Computer-controlled operation of its control surfaces give it exceptional ability at both supersonic and subsonic speeds.』
『Air superiority fighter developed by an international collaboration. Computer controlled operation of its control surfaces give it exceptional agility at both supersonic and subsonic speeds.』
In recent naming conventions, the "EF-2000" moniker became somewhat obsolete as the aircraft was meant to enter service in the year 2000. An older designation was "EFA", which stood for European Fighter Aircraft. The final name "Typhoon" was chosen in the late 90's. The German Luftwaffe however, chose to continue to refer their aircraft as EF-2000 due to "Typhoon" apparently referring to Hawker Typhoon, a prop-driven fighter bomber commonly employed against Germany in World War 2.
The Leasath Typhoons that take off from an aircraft carrier in 空戰奇兵Xi 詭影入侵 reference real-life proposals to build such variants.[1]