『An old Soviet Union fighter created in the pursuit of smaller size, lighter weight and lower costs. While it is old, with dubious electrical equipment and weapon carrying capabilities, its light weight provides excellent speed capabilities. However, due to low stability when rolling, it takes a while to become accustomed to handling it. Known by the NATO codename of "Fishbed", more than 10,000 were produced (including variants) and distributed to the countries of the old Eastern Bloc, making it an extremely well selling fighter.』
Color 3: MiG-21-93 color scheme from IAI (Israel Aircraft Industries).
Color 1
Hangar view of Color 1
Color 2
Hangar view of Color 2
Color 3
Hangar view of Color 3
MiG-21bis of SRN forces destroyed
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War
『A small, single-engine fighter, codenamed "Fishbed." While its electronics and 武器 capability are outdated, it makes up for it with high maneuverability and low cost.』
Special: White paint with black/powder blue livery
Profile shot
Side view
A MiG-21bis in "The Round Table
The MiG-21bis in VS Mode
Cockpit view
A disabled MiG-21bis
Standard color
Mercenary color
Soldier color
Knight color
Special color
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
『A small, single-engine fighter, codenamed "Fishbed". While its electronics and 武器 capability are outdated, it makes up for it with high maneuverability and low cost.』
In Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown the Osean Air Force appears to have abandoned the two-tone green camouflage scheme they previously used in favour of Yuktobania's white body with green tail tip.