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Osea, oficialmente Federação Oseana, é um enorme país do mundo Strangereal e uma superpotência internacional localizada no Continente Osea. Osea abrange a maioria da massa de terra ocidental do continente e compartilha fronteiras terrestres com Belka, Ustio e Sapin a leste e Perbla ao sul. Sua capital, Oured, está localizada na ponta da península sudeste de Osea, perto de Oured Bay.

Osea é um país altamente desenvolvido que possui uma grande população, uma extensa infraestrutura, uma próspera economia capitalista e uma força militar bem equipada: as Forças de Defesa Oseana (Osean Defense Forces). A Osea também é considerada uma dos principais líderes mundiais em aeronáutica e desenvolvimento de exploração espacial. As realizações do país incluem a construção da Arma Estratégica Linear-Orbital (Strategic Orbital Linear Gun), o Arkbird (um programa conjunto com a Yuktobânia) e o Elevador Espacial Internacional (International Space Elevator).

Em virtude de seu poder mundial, Osea manteve ideologias expansionistas e anexou novos territórios ao longo do século XX. A natureza agressiva do país resultou diretamente em grandes conflitos, como a Guerra Oseana (Osean War), a Guerra Belka (Belkan War) e o Golpe de Estado Useano (Usean coup d'état). Também existia uma rivalidade entre Osea e Yuktobânia, que levou à Guerra Fria (Cold War) nas décadas de 1980 e 1990.

No século 21, especialmente após a eleição do presidente Vincent Harling, o expansionismo de Osea foi reduzido e o país diminuiu seu poder militar para seguir uma política externa mais pacífica. Apesar da Guerra do Círculo-Pacífico (Circum-Pacífic War) contra a Yuktobânia, que foi orquestrada por extremistas de Belkan como vingança pela Guerra de Belka (Belkan War) essa política de paz continuou na década de 2010. No entanto, devido a tensões anteriores e falta de comunicação sobre o desenvolvimento do Elevador Espacial Internacional (International Space Elevator) o Reino de Erusea (Kingdom of Erusea) declarou guerra a Osea em 2019, levando à Guerra do Farol (LightHouse War)

Osea é a terra natal do personagem do jogador em Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War e Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown. Osea também é um país aliado em Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.


  • 1 História
    • 1.1 Formação
    • 1.2 Guerra Oseana (Osean War) (1905–1910)
    • 1.3 Guerra Fria (Cold War) (1980s–1995)
    • 1.4 Belkan War (1995)
      • 1.4.1 Counterattack
      • 1.4.2 Invasion of Belka
      • 1.4.3 Cessation of hostilities
    • 1.5 Era of peace (1996–2010)
      • 1.5.1 Ulysses Impact Event and Usean treaty
      • 1.5.2 Creation of the Arkbird
      • 1.5.3 International affairs
    • 1.6 Circum-Pacific War (2010)
      • 1.6.1 Initial attacks
      • 1.6.2 Invading Yuktobania
      • 1.6.3 Return of Razgriz
    • 1.7 Postwar (2010–2019)
    • 1.8 Lighthouse War (2019)
      • 1.8.1 Initial attacks and retaliation
      • 1.8.2 Invading Erusea
      • 1.8.3 Ending the war
    • 1.9 Postwar (2020–)
  • 2 Geography
  • 3 Politics
    • 3.1 Government
    • 3.2 Military
  • 4 Economy
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Rodapé
  • 7 Referências



Osea foi formada em algum momento ou antes do século 19. A primeira capital do país estava localizada na cidade de Bana, mas isso foi alterado em algum momento para Oured. De acordo com as primeiras cartas de navegação, Bana City e Oured existiram por algum tempo.

Guerra Oseana (Osean War) (1905–1910)

Artigo Principal; Guerra Oseana

Osea começou a expandir seu território por volta de 1900. Em 1905, esse expansionismo causou a eclosão da Guerra Oseana com Belka. Nos cinco anos seguintes, Belka se tornou o primeiro país a usar aeronaves para guerra e criar uma força aérea; A Osea seguiu o exemplo formando a Força de Defesa Aérea Oseana.

Guerra Fria (Cold War) (1980s–1995)

Artigo Principal: Guerra Fria

Ao longo de meados do século 20, Osea floresceu e continuou a expandir sua influência política em todo o mundo. Na década de 1980, Osea estava no meio de uma guerra fria com a União das Repúblicas Yuktobanianas, sua superpotência rival no Oceano Ceres. A corrida armamentista em curso obrigou Osea a desenvolver sistemas de armas atmosféricas sob a Iniciativa de Defesa Estratégica (Strategic Defense Initiative) para combater os desenvolvimentos da Yuktobânia na tecnologia de mísseis. Isso levou à construção do Arma Estratégica Linear-Orbital (AELO) (Strategic Orbital Linear Gun (SOLG), uma enorme arma de energia cinética que lançaria projéteis da órbita para destruir silos de mísseis. O conceito de "nave espacial em órbita manobrável" também foi criado no âmbito da Iniciativa de Defesa Estratégica.

Como parte da Guerra Fria, a Osea continuou a expandir fortemente suas forças armadas, particularmente sua força aérea, adquirindo novos recrutas. A Declaração de Rearmamento (The Rearmament Declaration) em outubro de 1990, deslocou alguns de seus funcionários entre as filiais e criou novas unidades. O exemplo mais notável foi a criação do Esquadrão Wizard (Wizard Squadron) e sua unidade secundária, Esquadrão Sorcerer (Sorcerer Squadron). Austin Winters, um membro do Exército Oseano, foi transferido para o Esquadrão Wizard ao lado de Anthony Palmer e Todd Barry. Osea também encomendou a criação de um novo porta-aviões, o OFS Kestrel, em 1991. O navio foi concluído nos próximos quatro anos.

Por volta dessa época, a Osea também executava pesquisas em todo o mundo em busca de potenciais tesouros de recursos naturais. Olhando para o leste, Osea tinha motivos para acreditar que os recursos subterrâneos estavam presentes na região sudeste de Belka, que viria a ser chamada de Ustio. Belka estava passando por uma turbulência econômica na época, então Osea aproveitou a situação. O país ajudou a impulsionar a independência de Ustio, que foi bem sucedida em maio de 1988. Osea também comprou pedaços de terra de Belka, principalmente os Cinco Grandes Lagos e as ilhas que se cruzam entre os dois países. Isso trouxe várias cidades de Belkan, como Wesson e Rutherford, sob o controle de Osea.

A Osea ofereceu uma expedição conjunta com Belka para explorar os recursos naturais potenciais ao redor dos Cinco Grandes Lagos, onde Belka compartilharia os lucros. Belka concordou, mas a empreendimento de exploração entrou em colapso rapidamente; Osea exagerou na quantidade de recursos na região e a economia de Belka ficou ainda mais desestabilizada. O sentimento Anti-Osea cresceu fortemente dentro de Belka como resultado.

A Gerra Belka (Belkan War) (1995)

Artigo Principal: A Guerra Belka


In March 1995, Belka declared war on all of its neighbors and invaded much of the territory Osea had acquired in the Great Lakes sale. In response, Osea created and led the Allied Forces, a temporary alliance between Osea and two other countries Belka had invaded: Ustio and Sapin. Surprisingly, Yuktobania joined the Allied Forces as well, which began the reconciliation process between Osea and Yuktobania. The Allied Forces signed a nonaggression treaty, agreeing to only act in self-defense and not to invade Belkan territory.

On April 24, Osea launched Offensive Campaign No. 4101 with its 3rd Osean Naval Fleet (including the OFS Kestrel, which was undergoing sea trials) to capture the Futuro Canal and open a sea route into Belka. From there, Osea's 101st and 122nd Airborne Divisions, supported by Ustio's mercenary Galm Team, performed a paratroop operation to secure Solis Ortus and liberate Directus, the capital of Ustio. In the meantime, Osea accelerated development of the SOLG, presumably to use it against Belka and end the war quickly.

Invasion of Belka

In late May, Osea received intel that Belka was developing a new weapon of mass destruction known as V2. Using V2 as casus belli for self-defense, Osea spearheaded an invasion into Belkan territory. Belka used the Excalibur laser tower in retaliation against the invading troops, prompting the Allied Forces to send Galm Team and Crow Team to destroy Excalibur.

On May 28, the Allied Forces permanently abrogated the nonaggression treaty at the Assembly of Nations and simultaneously launched an assault to capture Area B7R, a strategic and symbolic area for Belka. With the help of Galm and Crow Teams, despite Belkan reinforcements, the Allied Forces captured B7R. Osea then performed a bombing raid on Hoffnung to cripple Belka's industrial power and began marching through the Waldreich Mountains towards Sudentor.

Cessation of hostilities

During a skirmish at Sudentor on June 6, Belka detonated seven nuclear warheads in the Waldreich Mountains, killing over 12,000 Belkan civilians. Osea, the other Allied Forces members, and Belka agreed to an immediate cease-fire. Despite remnant resistance over the next month, the Allied Forces and Belka signed a treaty in Lumen to officially end the Belkan War on June 20. The treaty was one-sided and heavily favored Osea; the country annexed the entire state of South Belka and renamed it "North Osea". Historically Belkan cities, such as Lumen and Sudentor, were now assimilated by Osea and the South Belka Munitions Factory was renamed to "North Osea Gründer Industries". Over the next ten years, Osea would begin tracking down every member of the Belkan Air Force, adding them to a database, and attempting to capture war criminals and dangerous people.

A terrorist organization, A World With No Boundaries, began operations against Osea and the other Allied Forces members in December 1995, prompting an immediate counterattack. Osean pilots joined the Galm Team in striking against the organization at Avalon Dam, and Cipher, Galm Team's flight lead, helped to destroy the V2 missile that they tried to launch. Osea's investigation into the Belkan Air Force expanded into investigating A World With No Boundaries members.

Era of peace (1996–2010)

"The world was once again at peace. And, thanks to them, it seemed it would last forever."
― Albert Genette

In 1996, Osea signed a bilateral agreement with Yuktobania that officially ended the Cold War. The treaty signing compelled the survivors of the OADF's Wizard Squadron to plot the Osean president's assassination, but they were either killed or arrested by Osean Special Ops.

Ulysses Impact Event and Usean treaty

Main article: Ulysses 1994XF04, or Spring Sea Treaty

On April 20, 1996, the Federation of Central Usea announced the existence of the Ulysses 1994XF04 which was to strike the Usean continent (and, later discovered, the Anean continent). Refugees began immigrating out of Usea; Osea's capital, Oured, accepted the largest number of refugees compared to other cities. Osea expressed desire to assist Usea in building Stonehenge but could not due to post-Belkan War reconstruction.

The next year, a group of southern Usean countries decided to join the Osean Federation. Despite backlash from their neighbors, Osea extended an offer of military allegiance known as the Spring Sea Treaty. On May 30, 1997, the day the treaty was to be signed, an extremist terrorist organization took control of the entire continent, resulting in the Usean coup d'état.

The next year, Osea acquired some Belkan Air Force pilots to work as aggressor units for the country. This included the Grabacr Squadron, referred to as the "8492nd Squadron" in Osea.

Creation of the Arkbird

Following the Ulysses Impact Event in July 1999, the remaining meteors stuck in Earth's atmosphere became a threat to satellites along with the potential that they could strike outside of Usea and Anea. Osea decided, with Yuktobania's assistance, to create the Arkbird out of the "maneuverable orbiting spacecraft" concept from the Strategic Defense Initiative in the 1980s. The Arkbird was outfitted with a laser on top to destroy Ulysses fragments, which could not physically attack anything below the spacecraft. By 2008, the Arkbird had already vaporized over 80% of the remaining Ulysses fragments. In cooperation with other countries, Osea and Yuktobania also proposed an International Space Station.

International affairs

On March 20, 2002, Osea joined Emmeria and other nations imposing sanctions on Estovakia, citing internal corruption. Additionally, export controls on strategic resources by Osea and Emmeria made it difficult for Estovakia to engage in technology transfer with other nations and arms trading with Belka. This slowed Estovakia's post-Ulysses economic recovery throughout the following years.

In 2004, Vincent Harling was elected as the 48th President of the Osean Federation. Throughout his first term, Harling's peace policies strengthened Osea's ties to Yuktobania and led to the creation of Basset Space Center. In 2008, Harling was reelected to a second term. That year, Osea hosted the G7 Summit aboard the Arkbird. Osea personally invited the provisional government of Erusea to help promote peace on the Usean continent. The meeting saw a historic push to ratify several anti-proliferation treaties, including a Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty and a Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. The move was seen as a further strengthening of bonds between Osea and Yuktobania, as well as the nations of the world.

Circum-Pacific War (2010)

Main article: Circum-Pacific War

Initial attacks

In late September 2010, Osea experienced a series of airspace intrusions by Yuktobanian Air Force aircraft shortly before its former ally declared war on September 27. Over the coming days, Osea fended off several Yuktobanian air strikes. The Yuktobanian submarine Scinfaxi sank the OFS Vulture and Buzzard aircraft carriers, prompting Osea to install an air-to-ground laser module on the Arkbird. The combined power of the Arkbird and Wardog Squadron sank the Scinfaxi off the shore of Sand Island Air Force Base.

On October 22, President Harling attempted to meet with Yuktobanian Prime Minister Seryozha Viktrovich Nikanor in the neutral country of North Point to initiate peace talks. However, Harling's transport plane, Mother Goose One, was forced to make an emergency landing with the help of Wardog Squadron after the plane was shot at by friendly SAM defenses and an onboard spy shot the pilots. The 8492nd Squadron relieved Wardog Squadron but captured Harling and presumably killed the others on board. At the same time, a bomb carried aboard a shipment to the Arkbird disabled its power generator, preventing it from being used any further.

Invading Yuktobania

Following these events, the hawkish Vice President Appelrouth usurped control of the Osean government and sanctioned a full-scale ground invasion of Yuktobania in November. In the midst of the assault, a Yuktobanian engineering college was fired upon by aircraft identified as Osean. In retaliation, Yuktobanian commandos performed two simultaneous terrorist attacks within Osean territory. Osea then sanctioned deep-strike operations against Yuktobanian military bases, and the Wardog Squadron sank the Hrimfaxi in the Razgriz Straits, earning them the "Demons of Razgriz" nickname.

Later that month, the Vice President hosted a ceremony in November City with Wardog doing a flyby. The ceremony was attacked by Yuktobanian aircraft, and the 8492nd Squadron temporarily called off Osea's reinforcements, forcing Wardog Squadron to defend the stadium on their own. Wardog's Alvin H. Davenport was shot down and killed in the battle before reinforcements finally arrived.

Osea's invasion into Yuktobania continued, with the fall of Cruik Fortress on December 6. That night, Wardog Squadron was branded as traitors and shot down over the Solo Islands the next morning. Over the next couple of weeks, Osean forces attempted to capture Cinigrad, Yuktobania's capital, but repeatedly failed due to the lack of air support. The land invasion slowly bogged down.

Return of Razgriz

The members of Wardog had secretly bailed out and escaped to the OFS Kestrel, which began clandestine operations against a group of nationalistic Belkans known as the Grey Men, of which the 8492nd Squadron was a part. The Wardog members rescued President Harling, who officially assigned the fugitive airmen to the new, secret Razgriz Squadron. Harling returned to the capital in late December. Razgriz Squadron also rescued Yuktobania's Prime Minister Nikanor, who was being held in a Yuktobanian prison following a coup d'état.

At the same time, Razgriz Squadron worked to eliminate the threat of nuclear weapons the Grey Men were attempting to use against Osea and Yuktobania. The Razgriz pilots sealed the Yering Mine, which held most of them, assisted a Yuktobanian resistance group in dismantling one warhead, and shot down the Arkbird before it could use another nuke. The Kestrel Fleet also engaged a Yuktobanian fleet and an Osean fleet that were firing on the Kestrel and her allies, which included some defecting Yuktobanians. The Osean fleet was led by the OFS Barbet, which Razgriz sunk along with all other vessels carrying out acts of aggression against them.

President Harling and Prime Minister Nikanor held a press conference on December 30, while Razgriz Squadron and its allies performed an assault on Gründer Industries in Sudentor, which had taken control of the abandoned SOLG and loaded a V2 onto it. Razgriz entered the Gründer tunnel that held the SOLG's control system and destroyed it. A fail-safe on the SOLG triggered it to fall towards Oured; Razgriz took off, shot down the defending Grabacr and Ofnir Squadrons, and destroyed the SOLG harmlessly over Oured Bay.

Postwar (2010–2019)

Following the end of the Circum-Pacific War, Harling worked to make Osea the leader of the international order, surpassing Yuktobania in global influence. While restoring relations with its former adversary, Osea began reassigning more Defense Force units to the IUN Peacekeeping Force, predominantly in Usean areas most affected by the Ulysses Impact Event.

In April 2011, President Harling and Prime Minister Nikanor signed the 3rd Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. Under its terms, both Osea and Yuktobania were to dispose a number of nuclear and strategic weapons, which included latter's advanced submarine Alicorn. While debating how to dispose of the submarine, the Usea-based GR Trading, a subsidiary of General Resource Limited, proposed to purchase the vessel as scrap and appealed to the FCU government for permission. In September, the governments of Osea, Yuktobania and Central Usea reached the consensus that Usean parties are allowed to receive discarded military vessels.

That same year, the Harling administration founded the International Space Elevator Corporation and decided to construct the International Space Elevator at the city-state of Selatapura, prompting protests from the now Kingdom of Erusea. In 2012, Osea presented a construction roadmap for the space elevator.

In 2013, Harling announced that all classified documents relating to the Circum-Pacific War would be released in 2020.

In May 2014, due to the Circum Pacific War weakening both the Osean and Yuktobanian militaries, Free Erusea conducted an armed uprising in Usea that the IUN managed to put down by July.

At some point, multiple nations contributed to the development of the International Space Elevator in Gunther Bay. Osea developed two Arsenal Birds, equipped with MQ-101 UAVs, and sent them to defend the Space Elevator. Osea also began rebuilding its naval force, commissioning the new Vulture and the cutting-edge OFS Kestrel II, before beginning development on a next-generation class of aircraft carriers.

Lighthouse War (2019)

Main article: Lighthouse War

Initial attacks and retaliation

On May 15, 2019, the Kingdom of Erusea declared war on the Osean Federation, using drones to attack multiple ports across the Osean mainland and sinking numerous Osean aircraft carriers. Shortly afterward, Erusea also took control of the International Space Elevator and both Arsenal Birds. In retaliation, the aircraft carrier Kestrel II launched a failed assault on Farbanti, during which, Osean aircraft caused civilian casualties, resulting in international distaste towards Osea. Erusea soon after gained control over the majority of the Usean continent. Attempting to counterattack, Osea launched a failed two-front offensive involving a second Farbanti assault and Operation Dual Wielder.

With their strategies proving fruitless, Osea opted to rescue its former president, Vincent Harling, who was touring the space elevator when it was captured. During the rescue operation, Mother Goose One was shot down by an aircraft identifying as Osean. Afterward, the IUN court-martialled Trigger for allegedly killing Harling and sentenced him to serve in the penal unit Spare Squadron. Over the next few months, Spare participated in many near-suicide missions, crippling Erusean bases, drone fuel supplies, and communications facilities. Following their successes, Spare was recognized as a legitimate Osean Air Defense Force squadron.

Invading Erusea

In August, the Long Range Strategic Strike Group sunk the Njord Fleet and Erusean Navy platform at Snider's Top and subsequently helped the Osean forces utilize Stonehenge to shoot down Arsenal Bird Liberty, drastically decreasing the Arsenal Birds' air defense radius. In September, Osean forces captured Cape Rainy and used it to launch Operation Giant's Step, in which Osea captured Farbanti and destroyed communications satellites which Erusea had hacked earlier in the war. Concurrently, Erusea eliminated Osean satellites in orbit as well, throwing the entire Usean continent into chaos.

With communications down, Osean forces were forced to continue despite being isolated. On October 1, the LRSSG attempted to escort Erusean Army General Édouard Labarthe, who was willing to cooperate with Osea. However, Labarthe's transport was shot down by Osean aircraft given falsified information by AWACS Argus. Nine days later, the LRSSG rescued Osean forces stranded on Tyler Island.

Ending the war

On October 31, a coalition of Osean and Erusean conservatist forces launched a combined operation which resulted in the destruction of Arsenal Bird Justice around the International Space Elevator. The following day, remaining aircraft engaged two ADF-11F Ravens attempting to transmit collected data through by using the space elevator. Ultimately, Trigger shot down both drones, flying inside the space elevator to do so.

In December 2019, during the Expo City Conference, a treaty was signed between Osea and Erusea which officially ended the Lighthouse War.

Postwar (2020–)

In January 2020, a mutual nonaggression pact was signed by Osea and Erusea in North Point, further reducing hostilities between the two nations which were still present due to the Lighthouse War.

On June 30, 2020, Osea hosted an event commemorating 25 years since the end of the Belkan War on its Memorial Day. Unlike previous years, the Osean government invited many other nations to participate in the event as well, including Erusea, Yuktobania, Emmeria, Estovakia, Leasath, Aurelia, Ustio, Sapin, Central Usea, and Belka. Near the capital Oured, at Redmill Air Force Base, air units and aircraft from across the world were showcased alongside one another.


Osea encompasses a massive amount of land on the northern section of the Osean continent. Its size is only rivaled by Yuktobania, which is the largest country on Strangereal's Earth. Most of Osea's territory has a temperate climate, but its northern lands and islands, close to the Arctic Ocean, are covered in snow and ice. Osea also controls many islands surrounding its land, including Sand Island, the Solo Islands, and Kirwin Island to the west.

The majority of Osea is surrounded by water, but it does share some land borders to the east (with Belka, Sapin, and Ustio) and south. Its capital, Oured, is located on a peninsula next to Oured Bay, which itself is linked to the Spring Sea to the southeast.



Osea is a democratic federal republic, headed by a popularly-elected President and Vice President who assume the executive office in four-year terms. Other executive roles in Osea's government include a Foreign Minister. The government is also sub-divided into many departments with their own assigned duties, such as the Ministry, and later Department, of Defense and the Osean Aerospace Bureau.

As a federal republic, Osea's territory is divided into smaller, individual states, supposedly with their own smaller governments. One notable state is the state of North Osea, formerly the state of "South Belka".


Osea supports one of the largest and most well-equipped military forces in the world. Known as the Osean Defense Forces, the nation's military is comprised of the Osean Air Defense Force, the Osean Maritime Defense Force (which supports a marine division), the Osean Army, and Osean Coastal Defense Force.


Osea's capitalist economy appears to be thriving throughout the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The country is capable of redirecting its funds to massively expand its military or to progress in space development without much impact to the rest of the country. Osea's national currency is the Zollar (Ƶ).


  • The Osean flag resembles the flag of the European Union.
    • In Ace Combat Infinity, the USEA Federation's flag is a replica of the Osean flag with inverted colors.
  • Osea is generally considered to be an allegory of the United States of America, though Osea's military branches being designated as a "Defense Force" are based on Israel and Japan.
    • Though most features of Osea's geography bear little resemblance with that of the United States, a grouping of lakes near its eastern border appears near identical to the Great Lakes, which are shared in real life by the United States and Canada.