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2000年におけるユークトバニア連邦共和国の超巨大潜水艦建造に関する分析(英: Analysis of the Construction of Supergiant Submarines by the Union of Yuktobanian Republics in the Year 2000)は2000年にオーシア中央情報局ユークトバニアで確認された超大型潜水艦建造に関して分析した報告書である[1][2]



Analysis of the Construction of Supergiant Submarines by the Union of Yuktobanian Republics in the Year 2000

Advanced Weapons Analysis Division, Osean Intelligence Agency – 3/27/2000

In the 1980s, the Osean Federation and the Union of Yuktobanian Republics were embroiled in an arms race revolving around their nuclear strategy initiative during their Cold War.

As a means to realize their initiative, the Union of Yuktobanian Republics made great C in their development of stealth submarines intended for use as SLBM platforms. Of these designs, the Scinfaxi-class submersible aircraft carrier was one of the largest.

There are currently two Scinfaxi-class nuclear-powered submarines in service; the lead boat Scinfaxi was commissioned in 1995, and the second boat Hrimfaxi was commissioned in 1997. However, plans to construct a third submarine were confirmed in 1998, codenamed “Project Alicorn”. The third boat was larger than the previous two, and classified as a “Super Scinfaxi-class” vessel suspected to be an ambitious design that [combines?] characteristics of the other two.

Movements observed at the closed city BSC-1 near Okchabursk provide evidence for this conjecture. Okchabursk became the home port of the two submarines after their commission, but the repairs and maintenance are done inside the 400 meter-class underground docks. However, since around 1999, sand carriers have been seen frequenting the underground docks, with an estimated 1000 cubic meters of soil having been excavated per day. It is suspected that by the year 2000, a new underground dock had been constructed ranging from 600 to 700 meters. This new underground dock is likely being used to construct the Super Scinfaxi-class.

Due to its subterranean location, exact details are unknown, but it is clear from the steel and weaponry being delivered that the boat can operate as an aircraft carrier to field manned aircraft much like the lead boat Scinfaxi, and carries railguns as its main guns while also having some sort of strategic weapons projection capability. It is also suspected to be able to field UAVs as with the second boat Hrimfaxi, and to feature supercavitating underwater projectiles being tested in the Union of Yuktobanian Republics, a magnetohydrodynamic drive, and the ability to carry out amphibious assaults with special force teams or ground force teams by utilizing its enormous capacity.

*See attached for estimated specifications.



2000年3月27日 オーシア中央情報局先進兵器分析部





地下にあるため詳細は不明だが、搬入される鋼材や兵器を見る限り、主砲にレールガンを搭載しつつ、何らかの戦略兵器投射能力を持ち、1番艦シンファクシと同様に有人機を搭載する空母として運用可能であることがわかる。また、2番艦リムファクシと同様にUAVの搭載が可能で、ユークトバニア連邦共和国で実験中のスーパーキャビテーション水中発射体を搭載[注 1]し、電磁流体駆動を装備しており、巨大な収容力を活かした特殊部隊あるいは地上部隊による水陸両用作戦能力も備えていると推測されている。





  1. 何を指しているのか不明。


  1. ACE COMBAT 7 - SKIES UNKNOWN CAMPAIGN SP MISSION 02 Anchorhead Raid 「アンカーヘッド急襲」 ミッション前ムービー
  2. ACE COMBAT 7 - SKIES UNKNOWN CAMPAIGN SP MISSION 03 Ten Million Relief Plan 「1000万人救済計画」 ミッション前ムービー