VR Mission 02(台詞)

ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動



[AREA] Scofields Plat

[DATE/TIME] 1638 16.Jun.2014

[LOCATION] 7°27′35″S 28°50′26″W

[OPERATION OBJECTIVE] ターゲットを全て破壊し、飛行場を防衛せよ。

IUN-PKF  Commander ブリーフィングを開始する





敵の目的が爆撃機にあるのか 当基地にあるのかは 現段階では判断が難しい


Let's get on with the briefing.

1816th Bomber Squadron is almost here.

However, we got a report of what seem to be Free Erusean aircraft approaching them.

Air intercept is at the squadron's ETA

Your mission is to ensure our air superiority around the base, and to protect the bombers.

As of now, we cannot tell whether they are after the bombers, or this base.

Be ready to take on anything thrown at you.



ControlTower B-52が緊急着陸する! 滑走路周辺の機は退避しろ!

B-52 is making an emergency landing! Clear the runway!

ControlTower メビウス1の離陸を最優先しろ!

Prioritize Mobius 1!

Viper 2 俺が先に上がる!

I'm going up first!

ControlTower 早いな よし同時に上がれ メビウス1 フォーメーションテイクオフ!

Good. You can launch together. Mobius 1, formation takeoff!

ControlTower ヴァイパー2の横に入れ!

Pull up next to the Viper 2!

IUN-PKF Bomber メイデイメイデイメイデイ!

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

Viper 2 見ろ!


Omega 11 ダメだ! 高度が低すぎる!

It's altitude is too low!

IUN-PKF Base グレイモス2が墜落!

Gray Moth 2 crashed!

ControlTower 救助と消火急げ!

Extinguish the flames!

AWACS Sky Eye スカイアイより各機へ

This is Sky Eye.

AWACS Sky Eye 聞こえるか 君らが先に上がれ そのあとこのAWACSを離陸させる

Do you read? Take off first. Them we're going to launch the AWACS after you.

Viper 2 それではいい的になる!

It'll be a sitting duck!

AWACS Sky Eye 航空優勢を確保してくれ!

Secure air superiority!

ControlTower メビウス1 止まらずそのまま離陸するんだ!

Mobius 1, take off at once!

Omega 11 この状況でか!?

In this mess?!

ControlTower この状況だからだ!

Because of the mess!

ControlTower 爆撃機がもう1機来る!

Bomber inbound!

Omega 11 墜ちてきたぞ!

It's coming down!

Omega 11 危険だ!

Look out!

Viper 2 いやいける! このままいく!

We can do it!

ControlTower メビウス1 君が早く上がることが重要なんだ!

Mobius 1, it is important that you immediately take off!

ControlTower メビウス1 発進許可はすでに出ている! 急げ!

Mobius 1, you are cleared for launch! Hurry!

ControlTower メビウス1 高度制限を解除 よく離陸してくれた! あとは頼んだぞ!

Mobius 1, altitude restriction lifted. Excellent takeoff! We're counting on you!

Free Erusean Fighter 迎撃機だ

Interceptors inbound.

Free Erusean Fighter 遅いぞのろまどもめ!

You idiots are late!

Viper 2 こちらヴァイパー2 敵機を捕捉した

This is Viper 2. Bandit acquired.

AWACS Sky Eye 全機交戦を許可する

All aircraft, cleared hot.


AWACS Sky Eye 管制塔 こちらスカイアイ 離陸許可を願う

This is Sky Eye. Requesting takeoff clearance.

ControlTower ダメだ まだ敵機がいる

Denied. Not clear.

AWACS Sky Eye ……了解

Copy that, Tower.

Viper 2 最後の1機くらいは俺が!

I'll take care of the last bandit!

Omega 11 グレイモス2の仇をとったぞ!

That was for Gray Moth 2!

Viper 2 敵部隊視認 オメガ11 やるぞ

Enemy confirmed. Omega 11, let's get'em.

Free Erusean Fighter やはり味方機がいない

Can't see any allies.

Free Erusean Fighter 腕のいい迎撃機がいるのかもしれん

Some skilled interceptors might be left.

AWACS Sky Eye 管制塔 こちらスカイアイ

This is Sky Eye.

AWACS Sky Eye 我々が敵を探知しなければ 基地の防衛は不可能だ

It'll be impossible to defend the base if wa can't detect the enemy.

AWACS Sky Eye 離陸許可を願う

Requesting takeoff clearance.

ControlTower わかった 離陸を許可する

Copy. You are cleared for takeoff.

AWACS Sky Eye 了解

Copy that, Tower.

Free Erusean Fighter 敵の尾翼にリボンが!

Ribbon seen on his tail!

Viper 2 敵機撃墜!

Bandit splashed!

Omega 11 メビウス1がまたやったぞ!

Mobius 1 got another one!

ControlTower 高度制限を解除

Altitude restriction lifted.

AWACS Sky Eye スカイアイ 了解

Copy that, Tower.

Omega 11 スカイアイ どこまで探知できてる?

Sky Eye, what's your gadget range?

AWACS Sky Eye 基地周辺だけだ 高度が低いからな

Just around the base. My altitude's still low.

AWACS Sky Eye すべての敵機の撃墜を確認した

All enemy aircraft confirmed down.

AWACS Sky Eye レーダーの探知可能範囲が広がった

Radar detection range has expanded.

AWACS Sky Eye 東の変電所周辺に敵の地上部隊を確認

Picking up enemy ground forces in area around east substation.

AWACS Sky Eye 変電所は基地に電力を供給している

That substation powers the base.

AWACS Sky Eye 至急 変電所の防衛に向かえ

Defend the substation immediately.

IUN-PKF Ground Unit 変電所敷地内に着弾! 管理建屋に被害!

The substation was hit and the control building was damaged!

IUN-PKF Ground Unit 稼働状況を変電所に確認しろ!

Have the substation check status!

IUN-PKF Substation Staff 被害が出ています! 蓄電池コンテナの半数が動作停止!

We've sustained damage! Half of the battery containers are out!

IUN-PKF Substation Staff そんなもんくれてやれ 変圧器がやられなきゃ大丈夫だ

They can have 'em. As long as the transformers work, we're fine.

IUN-PKF Substation Staff 送電ルート切り替えます!

Re-routing circuits!

Omega 11 持ちこたえてくれよ

Hang in there!

IUN-PKF Ground Unit あの音は味方の飛行機だ!

That's the thrum of our planes!

Free Erusean Ground Unit 対空戦闘を継続せよ

Keep attacking aircraft.

Free Erusean Ground Unit 連中の足を止めるだけでもいい

All we need to do is slow them down.

AWACS Sky Eye 敵部隊の半数を破壊

Half of the units: taken out.

Free Erusean Ground Unit あれだけあった部隊がここまでやられるのか

How did they manage to pare down our numbers so fast?

Free Erusean Ground Unit 司令部 状況が想定より悪い

Command, situation is bad.

AWACS Sky Eye よし変電所を狙う敵勢力を一掃した!

Enemies after the substation have been destroyed!

IUN-PKF Substation Staff よしさっそく安全点検を開始しろ 機材への通電は慎重にな

Start the safety check. Make sure you're extra careful when you turn the electricity back on.

IUN-PKF Substation Staff 基地の連中が命がけで守ってくれたんだ 完全復旧を急ごう

Those guys are putting their lives at risk protecting us. Let's get this place back online.

AWACS Sky Eye 待て これは……

Wait, what's this?

AWACS Sky Eye 全機聞け 基地が敵地上部隊から攻撃を受けている

All aircraft. The base is under attack from enemy ground units.

AWACS Sky Eye 至急引きかえし 防衛に向かう

Return immediately!

AWACS Sky Eye これが敵の狙いだったようだ

It seems this was the enemy's objective all along.

AWACS Sky Eye 防衛隊が押されている

The defense is on the ropes.

IUN-PKF Ground Unit 被害甚大! 救援を頼む!

We need reinforcements now!

Viper 2 ヴァイパー2よりベースコントロール 応答せよ

Viper 2 to Base. Respond.

AWACS Sky Eye ヴァイパー2 航空支援に集中せよ

Viper 2, focus on air support.

Viper 2 ……了解!

…Roger that!

AWACS Sky Eye 敵を排除しろ 防衛隊だけでは限界だ

Destroy our enemies. Our defense force is fading.

Free Erusean Ground Unit 航空機の音だ! 捕捉されたか

I can hear aircraft! They must've found our position.

Free Erusean Ground Unit 対空戦闘用意!

Prepare the AA!

AWACS Sky Eye レーダーに新たな反応! 敵の増援が基地に接近中だ! 撃墜せよ!

Something appeared on radar! Enemy reinforcements are approaching the base! Take 'em down!

Free Erusean Fighter 各機 航空優勢確保を優先しろ まだ巻きかえせる!

All aircraft, prioritize the air superiority. We can beat 'em!

Viper 2 これ以上やらせるな!

Don't let'em damage more!

Omega 11 基地を奪われたらすべて水の泡だ!

If we lose the base, it's all over

Free Erusean Ground Unit 派手に攻撃しやがる! 巻き込まれたらひとたまりもないぞ!

They're really hammering us! We can't take much more of this!

Free Erusean Ground Unit いや基地からの抵抗じゃない 空だ 手がつけられない機体がいる

No, it's not resistance from the base. The enemy's sent one of their best pilots.

Free Erusean Ground Unit 隊長 敵機による攻撃苛烈! 進行を継続しますか?

Captain, we're taking heavy fire! Should we continue our assault?

Free Erusean Ground Unit 当たり前だ! 基地を落とせばこちらの勝ちだ!

Yes! If we take that base, victory will be ours!

AWACS Sky Eye 周辺に敵の地上部隊はいなくなった 撤退しない敵航空機を撃墜せよ

There are no more enemy ground units. Shoot down all bandits that haven't withdrawn.

AWACS Sky Eye ヘリ部隊の全滅を確認

All enemy helicopters down.

Omega 11 メビウス1が敵機撃墜! なんてやつだ!

Mobius 1 destroyed another bandit! Nice work.

AWACS Sky Eye 残り3機!

Three to go!

Free Erusean Fighter そうだ1機だ! たった1機にいいようにやられている!

Yeah, one pilot! We're getting beaten by one guy!

AWACS Sky Eye 敵航空機 残り1機!

One bandit remaining!

Viper 2 メビウス1だけにやらせない

Not about to let Mobius 1 have all the fun.

AWACS Sky Eye 基地を攻撃する敵勢力を完全に排除した

The enemies attacking the base were completely eliminated.

IUN-PKF Ground Unit うちにもすげえやつがいたもんだな!

Well. We had an amazing pilot too!

IUN-PKF Ground Unit 何度でもやってきやがれ!

Let's see 'em try that again!

IUN-PKF Ground Unit スカイアイ 航空支援に感謝する! 特に迎撃部隊へ礼を伝えてくれ

Sky Eye, thanks for the air support! Tell the interceptoe unit that we appreciate their work.

AWACS Sky Eye 了解


AWACS Sky Eye だが彼らを そして我々を離陸させたやつも この勝利の功労者だ

But the guy who got us into the sky is the real MVP behind this victory.

ControlTower 滑走路の落下物をどけろ

Clear the runway debris.

ControlTower 基地を守った連中を着陸で死なせるわけにはいかん

We can't have our base defenders crashing on landing.


IUN-PKF Substation Staff 砲弾で複数設備に被害! 主変圧器が破壊されました!

Several facilities were damaged! The main transformer was destroyed!

IUN-PKF Substation Staff 退避前に送電緊急停止!

I'm starting the shutdown and then I'm out!

AWACS Sky Eye 基地への給電が停止! 基地内の発電所も破壊され全電源喪失だ!

The power was cut! With the generators destroyed, we're in a station wide blackout!

IUN-PKF Ground Unit 敵侵攻部隊が突撃破砕線を突破! これ以上の防衛は不可能!

The invasion force broke through the final defense line! We're out of options!

IUN-PKF Ground Unit まずい 敵の攻撃が管制塔を直撃!

Shit, the enemy just hit the control tower!

IUN-PKF Ground Unit 我々は投降する 飛行中の航空機は近隣の味方基地へ撤退せよ!

We're surrendering. All inflight aircraft, head back to nearest allied base!


ControlTower メビウス1 貴機の着陸誘導を行う

Mobius 1, I'll provide your landing guidance.

ControlTower 滑走路の掃除と点検は終わったが念のため障害物に注意してくれ

Clearing of the runway is complete, but keep an eye out for debris.

ControlTower 着陸まで……5000メートル

5,000 meters to the runway.

ControlTower 着陸まで……3000メートル

3,000 meters to the runway.

ControlTower 着陸まで……1500メートル

1,500 meters to the runway.

ControlTower 着陸まで……3マイル

Three miles to the runway.

ControlTower 着陸まで……2マイル

Two miles to the runway.

ControlTower 着陸まで……1マイル

One mile to the runway.

ControlTower 右に旋回してくれ

Turn right.

ControlTower 左に旋回してくれ

Turn left.

ControlTower 機首を下げてくれ 高度が高い

Lower your nose. You're too high.

ControlTower 減速してくれ

Reduce your speed.

ControlTower 進入コース適正 よし その状態を維持

You are right on course. Maintain current heading.

ControlTower 誘導限界を超えた 目視で着陸してくれ

You're past the guidance limit. Make a visual landing.

ControlTower ただちに着陸せよ メビウス1

Land now, Mobius 1.

ControlTower メビウス1が墜落した!

Mobius 1 crashed!

ControlTower 着陸を確認 次は慎重に頼む

Landing confirmed. Careful next time.

ControlTower 着陸を確認 よくやった

Landing confirmed. All right.

ControlTower 着陸を確認 さすがだな

Landing confirmed. Nice job.

ControlTower 着陸を確認 完璧な着陸だ メビウス1

Landing confirmed. That's a perfect landing. Mobius 1.

ControlTower 君の働きに感謝する 次に備え身体を休めてくれ

Thanks for the excellent work. Rest up until the next mission.

AWACS Sky Eye さすがだメビウス1 ほかの機も君にならって着陸する

Impressive, Mobius 1. The other pilots will follow your example.


IUN-PKF  Commander 陸と空の大規模な連携 投入される物量 どちらも以前の自由エルジアには無い戦い方だった

それでも我が基地が屈しなかったことを この戦争の大きな分水嶺としなくてはならない

つまり 『我々の息の根を止められなかったことを やつらに後悔させてやる』 解散

A major operation both in the air and on the ground, is not something Free Erusea could manage in previous battles.

But our base held in the face of danger. We will make this the turning point of the war.

In other words, we're gonna make them regret they couldn't finish us off, here and now. Dismissed.