VR Mission 01(台詞)

ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動



[AREA] Fort Grays Island

[DATE/TIME] 1415 28.May.2014

[LOCATION] 7°58′25″S 9°25′50″W


IUN-PKF  Commander ブリーフィングを開始する

当フォートグレイス基地の北西 ペイトン半島にあるレーダーサイトが複数の識別不明機を捉えた

それらはIUN-PKFによる通告を無視し 当基地へと接近しつつある

IUNがユージア全域の航空管制を掌握している今にあって この行動は 自由エルジアによる可能性が極めて大である

君たちは直ちにスクランブルを行い 当該機の目視確認 及び 無線での着陸通告せよ

なお 識別不明機から攻撃を受けた場合は戦闘を許可する ただちにこれを排除せよ

Let's begin the briefing.

The Peyton Peninsula radar site to the northwestof us here at Fort Grays has picked up a number of unidentified aircraft.

They've ignored all warnings from the IUN PKF and are making their way towards our base.

As the IUN has air traffic control over all of Usea, we're almost certain the crafts belong to the Free Eruseans.

You guys will scramble immediately, visually identify the aircraft, and then use your radios to order them to land.

If attacked, you have permission to engage them in combat. Waste no time destroying them.




Aircraft Carrier Controller こちら空母アルバトロス航空管制センター 第118特殊任務部隊 聞こえるか

118th Tactical Fighter Wing, this is the Albatross control tower. Do you copy?

Omega 11 こちらオメガ11 感度良好 問題ない

This is Omega 11, We hear you loud and cler, over.

Aircraft Carrier Controller コールサイン「メビウス1」聞こえるか オメガ11に続き発艦せよ

Mobius 1, you have permission to take off right after Omega 11.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 発艦後はAWACSスカイアイの指揮下に入る 当該機を確認次第 無線での着陸通告を行え

After takeoff, you'll be under command of the AWACS "Sky Eye." Contact the unidentified air craft and order them to land.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 風向130度 風速18ノット 発艦に支障なし

Wind is 130 degrees at 18 knots. We are good for takeoff.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 管制よりオメガ11へ 発艦を許可する

Omega 11, you are cleared for takeoff.

Aircraft Carrier Controller オメガ11の発艦を確認 メビウス1 発艦スタンバイ

Omega 11, is in air. Mobius 1, stand by.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 管制よりメビウス1へ 発艦を許可する

Mobius 1, you are cleared for takeoff.

Aircraft Carrier Controller メビウス1 すみやかに発艦せよ

Mobius 1, get to it.

Aircraft Carrier Controller メビウス1 すみやかに推力を上げろ 発艦だ

Mobius 1, cleared for takeoff. Let's go.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 高度制限を解除する 幸運を祈る

Altitude restriction lifted


IUN-PKF HQ コールサイン「メビウス1」聞こえるか オメガ11に続き離陸せよ

Mobius 1, dou you copy? You are cleared for takeoff immediately after Omega 11.

IUN-PKF HQ 管制よりメビウス1へ 風向130度 風速18ノット 離陸に支障なし

Mobius 1, this is Control. The wind direction is 130 degrees at a speed of 18 knots. We are good for takeoff.

IUN-PKF HQ メビウス1 離陸を許可する

Mobius 1, you are cleared for take off.

IUN-PKF HQ メビウス1 すみやかに離陸せよ

Mobius 1, get that bird in the sky.

IUN-PKF HQ 繰りかえす すみやかに離陸せよ

I repeat, you are cleared for takeoff.

IUN-PKF HQ 繰りかえす 推力を上げすみやかに離陸せよ

I repeat. Increase thrust and get that plane in the sky.

IUN-PKF HQ メビウス1の離陸を確認

Mobius 1, takeoff confirmed.

IUN-PKF HQ 高度制限を解除する 幸運を祈る

Altitude restriction lifted. Good luck out there.


AWACS Sky Eye こちら第118特殊任務部隊所属AWACSスカイアイ 貴機はこちらの管制下に入った

This is the AWACS"Sky Eye" of the 118th Tactical Fighter Wing. You'll be under our command from here on out.

AWACS Sky Eye オメガ11はメビウス1の指揮下へ入れ 実戦になる可能性がある

Omega 11, follow Mobius 1. This could turn into a firefight.

Omega 11 彼が本物ならいいんだが

I hope this guy's the real deal.

AWACS Sky Eye 彼がどういう存在かすぐにわかる この空にいる全員がな

You'll find out if he is soon enough. Everyone will.

AWACS Sky Eye 機影をとらえた 識別不明機複数 オメガ11 無線通告せよ

We're picking up several unidentified aircraft. Omega 11, try contacting them via radio.

Omega 11 識別不明機に告ぐ こちらはIUN-PKF所属の……

Unidentified aircraft, this is the IUN-PKF…

Omega 11 識別不明機よりレーダー照射!

Unidentified aircraft has a radar lock on us!

Omega 11 敵機よりミサイル!

Bandits fired!

AWACS Sky Eye 当該機を敵と判断 ウェポンズフリー 交戦を許可する

The unidentified aircraft are confirmed hostile. Weapons free. Engage.

AWACS Sky Eye 基地に敵を近づけるな

Don't let them near the Base!

Omega 11 オメガ11 ウィルコ


Free Erusean Fighter くそっ 誰か撃墜された!

Dammit! We lost somebody!

Free Erusean Fighter 動きが速い!? ボーンズ2 応答しろ!?

They're moving so fast! Bones 2, respond!

Free Erusean Fighter ボーンズ2! くそっ!

Bones 2! Damn it!

Omega 11 ナイスキル


Free Erusean Bomber 後ろにつかれた! 対空防御!

One on my tail! Need AA!

Free Erusean Bomber 積み荷のせいで動きが重い! 離脱不能!

We're too heavy to maneuver! I can't get away!

Free Erusean Bomber 被弾! 被弾!

I'm hit! I'm hit!

AWACS Sky Eye ターゲットの破壊が遅れている

You're behind on target kills.

AWACS Sky Eye 爆撃機の全滅を確認!

Bombers confirmed destroyed!

Free Erusean Fighter ボーンズ隊 離脱せよ

Bones, withdraw.

AWACS Sky Eye 敵機の全滅を確認

Enemy destroyed.

Omega 11 すげえぞ!

Awww yeah! That was amazing!

Viper 2 こちらヴァイパー2 到着した 状況は把握している

This is Viper 2. I've arrived and am aware of the situation.

AWACS Sky Eye ヴァイパー2とレイピア1はメビウス1の支援に回れ

Viper 2 and Rapier 1, assist Mobius 1.

AWACS Sky Eye 全機 リジョイン・フォーメーション

All aircraft, rejoin formation.

Omega 11 遅刻で見逃したお前に教えてやる 彼は本物だぞ

You're new here so I'll fill you in. This guy's the real deal.

Viper 2 ロートルパイロットは嫌いなんだ

I can't stand old-timer pilots.

Omega 11 正直だな だが言いすぎだ

Such candor. Haven't you said too much?

Viper 2 俺は俺の目で判断する

I'll be the judge of that.

AWACS Sky Eye レーダーに新たな機影を捕捉

We're picking up something new on rader.

Free Erusean Fighter 増援が到着だ ここから引っ繰りかえす

Our reinforcements are here. We got the upper hand now.

Free Erusean Fighter 了解


Free Erusean Fighter 先行していたボーンズ隊が全滅した

We have lost all of Bones Squadron.

Free Erusean Fighter 作戦続行か?

Do we keep going?

Free Erusean Fighter 敵が向かってくる

The enemy's en route.

Omega 11 ヴァイパー2 自分の面倒は見れるか?

Viper 2, can you look after yourself for a bit?

Viper 2 あんたらの背中も守ってやる

I'll watch backs too.

AWACS Sky Eye メビウス1 敵機撃墜

Mobius 1, enemy down.

Free Erusean Fighter おい リボンのマークを見たか?

Hey, did you see the ribbon emblem?

AWACS Sky Eye 残り半数!

Half remaining!

Omega 11 またメビウス1か!

Mobius 1 again?

Viper 2 オメガ11 集中しろ メビウス1ばかり見るな

Omega 11, pay attention. Stop staring at Mobius 1.

AWACS Sky Eye レーダーに新たな反応 敵のさらなる増援だ

Something just came up on our radar. Looks like enemy reinforcements.

Free Erusean Fighter エルジアのため 必ず遂行する

We have to do this, for Erusea's sake.

Free Erusean Fighter リーダー機を探せ!

Find the leader!

Omega 11 ヴァイパー2 お前の獲物がなくなるぞ

Viper 2, it looks like you're running out of targets.

Viper 2 そっちこそ気を抜くな

Will you be okay without me?

AWACS Sky Eye ターゲット残り3

Three targets remaining.

AWACS Sky Eye ターゲット残り2

Two targets remaining.

Free Erusean Fighter もう俺たちだけだ!

Now it's just us!

Free Erusean Fighter どんどん食われる!

We're being eaten!

AWACS Sky Eye ターゲット残り1

One target remaining.

AWACS Sky Eye 敵部隊が基地へと接近 排除を急げ

There's an enemy unit approaching the base. Take it out.

IUN-PKF Base 敵から攻撃を受けている! 航空部隊の支援を要請する!

We're taking enemy fire! We need air support!

IUN-PKF Base 増援を要請しろ! 基地が落ちるぞ!

Send for help! The base is falling!

Viper 2 メビウス1が敵を撃墜

Mobius 1 has shot down a bandit.

AWACS Sky Eye 自由エルジアの残党は撤退を始めた 我々の勝利だ

The remaining Free Erusean forces are withdrawing. Victory is ours.

AWACS Sky Eye レーダー上に機影なし 任務完了 よくやった

We're not picking up anything on radar. Mission accomplished. Good work.

Omega 11 驚いた 彼はやはり本物だ

Well, I'll be… He's the real deal all right.

Viper 2 たった1度の戦いでわかるのか?

You know from fighting just once?

AWACS Sky Eye 納得するまで見極めればいい これからも戦いは続く

Watch all you like. There will be more battles.

AWACS Sky Eye それまでは休め 全機帰投せよ

Until then, we rest. Return to base.


IUN-PKF Base 敵の爆撃だ! 遮蔽物に隠れろ 空爆から身を守れ!

We're being bombed! Everybody, take shelter! Don't get caught out in the open!

IUN-PKF Base 誘爆が多発している! 基地機能低下!

Taking fire! Base operability is declining rapidly!


Aircraft Carrier Controller こちら空母アルバトロス航空管制センター

This is the Albatross control tower.

Aircraft Carrier Controller AWACSスカイアイ 誘導管制を引き継ぐ

AWACS"Sky Eye," we'll take it from here.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 着艦まで約4800メートル

4,800 meters to carrier.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 着艦まで約3200メートル

3,200 meters to carrier.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 着艦まで約1600メートル

1,600 meters to carrier.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 着艦まで3マイル

Three miles.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 着艦まで2マイル

Two miles.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 着艦まで1マイル

One mile.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 左に逸れている 右にコース修正せよ

You're straying to the left. Bank right.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 右に逸れている 左にコース修正せよ

You're straying to the right. Bank left.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 高度が高すぎる 機首を下げろ

Altitude high. Lower nose.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 高度が低すぎる 機首を上げるんだ

Altitude low. Raise nose.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 速度が速すぎる 減速しろ

You're too fast. Lower speed.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 進入コース 適正

On course.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 誘導限界を超えている 目視で着艦しろ

You're past the guidance limit. Make a visual landing.

Aircraft Carrier Controller ただちに着艦しろ メビウス1

Land at once, Mobius 1.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 何をしている! ただちに着艦しろ!

I need you to land that plane now!

Aircraft Carrier Controller メビウス1が着艦に失敗!

Landing failed.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 着艦を確認 残念だが手本にはできないな

Landing confirmed, but that was a good example of how not to do it.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 着艦を確認 まずまずだな

Landing confirmed, but do better next time.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 着艦を確認 上出来だ

Landing confirmed. Good work.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 着艦を確認 手本のような着艦だな

Landing confirmed. That was a textbook landing.

Aircraft Carrier Controller 着艦を確認 素晴らしい着艦だ さすがだなメビウス1

Landing confirmed. Excellent landing. Nice job,  Mobius 1.

Aircraft Carrier Controller ご苦労だった 次の出撃に備えて待機してくれ

Nice work. Now, go and get some rest before your next sortie.


ControlTower こちらフォートグレイス基地管制塔

This is the control tower at Fort Grays.

ControlTower AWACSスカイアイ 誘導管制を引き継ぐ

AWACS"Sky Eye," we'll take it from here, over.

ControlTower 着陸まで約4800メートル

4,800 meters to runway.

ControlTower 着陸まで約3200メートル

3,200 meters to runway.

ControlTower 着陸まで約1600メートル

1,600 meters to runway.

ControlTower 着陸まで3マイル

Three miles to runway.

ControlTower 着陸まで2マイル

Two miles to runway.

ControlTower 着陸まで1マイル

One mile to runway.

ControlTower 左に逸れている 右にコース修正せよ

You're straying to the left. Bank right to correct your course.

ControlTower 右に逸れている 左にコース修正せよ

You're straying to the right. Bank left to correct your course.

ControlTower 高度が高すぎる 機首を下げろ

Your altitude is too high. Lower your nose.

ControlTower 高度が低すぎる 機首を上げるんだ

Your altitude is too low. Raise your nose.

ControlTower 速度が速すぎる 減速しろ

You're too fast. Lower your airspeed.

ControlTower 適正コースだ そのまま進め

You're right on course. Just keep it steady.

ControlTower 誘導限界を超えている 目視で着陸しろ

You're past the guidance limit. Make a visual landing.

ControlTower ただちに着陸せよ メビウス1

Land at once, Mobius 1.

ControlTower 何をしている ただちに着陸しろ!

What are you doing?! I land that plane immediately!

ControlTower メビウス1が墜落した!

Mobius 1 has crashed!

ControlTower 着陸を確認 残念だが手本にはできないな

Landing confirmed, but do better next time.

ControlTower 着陸を確認 まずまずだな

Landing confirmed, but you could've done better.

ControlTower 着陸を確認 上出来だ

Landing confirmed. Good work.

ControlTower 着陸を確認 手本のような着陸だな

Landing confirmed. That was a textbook landing.

ControlTower 着陸を確認 素晴らしい着陸だ さすがだなメビウス1

Landing confirmed. Nice job, Mobius 1. That was a thing of beauty.

ControlTower ご苦労だった 次の出撃に備えて待機してくれ

Nice work. Now, go and get some rest before your next sortie.


IUN-PKF  Commander 君たちの活躍により 識別不明機の撃墜に成功した


敵の目的は目下調査中である 次なる軍事行動の兆しであることは疑うべくもないが


今後の敵の動向には特に注視の必要がある 備えを新たにしてもらいたい

Thanks to your efforts, the unidentified aircraft was taken down.

You've helped us make it clear that it belonged to Free Erusea.

I have some guys looking into the enemy's  motivations.

I'm afraid that its looking like things could get pretty ugly.

For now, Mobius looks to have delayed the enemy's plans.

We need a closer eye on the enemy's movements, and you should be ready to move out at any moment.