Charge Assault / 始まりの笛音(台詞)

ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動


フォートグレイス基地司令官 集まったかね?



諸君らは国際停戦監視軍の一員として 今日までこのユージア大陸の平和を維持してくれてきた


先ほど 我が国際停戦監視軍のレーダーサイトが 接近する所属不明機群を通報してきた

直後当該レーダーサイトからの通信が一切絶たれた 所属不明機による攻撃を受けたものと判断する



国際停戦監視軍フォートグレイス基地飛行隊は 本日をもって重警戒序列に移行


所属不明機の発見 捕捉 威嚇射撃を以って強制着陸せしめよ

もし敵から反撃を受けた場合は そのときには……

Is everyone here?

Settle down.

I said settle down!

You have all been instrumental in helping to maintain peace in Usea as members of the International Union Peacekeeping Force.

Until today.

Earlier, our radar site informed us that a group of unidentified aircraft was approaching.

Communications systems went down immediately afterwards. We are led to conclude that they have attacked the site.

Here's your mission.

It's possible that the Usean ceasefire agreement has been broken for the first time in over a decade.

As of today, the Fort Grays Air Base Squadron of the IUPF has been put on high alert.

All members who have been ordered to sortie, fly there immediately.

Find the unidentified craft, then use your weapons to round them up and force them to land.

If the hostiles counterattack, then you will…

なんだ!? 爆発か!

おい 煙が上がってるぞ!

攻撃を受けています! 複数の所属不明機を上空に確認!

上空に!? 馬鹿な!



What the hell was that?!

There's smoke!

We're under attack! Numerous unidentified aircraft confirmed overhead!

What?! How is that possible?!

The tank farm to the north has been bombed!

Many injured!

フォートグレイス基地司令官 スクランブルだ! 各機は直ちに離陸し 当基地へ攻撃を行う所属不明機を排除せよ


Scramble! All units, take off and eliminate the unidentified craft attacking the base!

This is not a drill!




Charge Assault

15.May.2019 1614 Fort Grays Island 7°58'25"S 9°25'50"W Cloud Cover: Scattered Operation: Deer Horn




Radar site stll silent!

スクランブルだ! 早く空に上がれ! 狙い撃ちされるぞ!

Scramble! Get those birds in the sky! We're sitting ducks!


What's happening!

爆撃機が飛来! 機数は不明

Bombers incoming! Don't know how many!




出るぞ! 早く滑走路を空けろ!

Let's clear that runway. We don't got all day here.

メイジ隊 滑走路へ向かえ

Mage Squadron, head to runway.

ゴーレム隊 テイクオフ スカイキーパーとのリンクは完了

Golem Squadron takeoff. Linked to Sky Keeper.


Hurry, Mage Squadron.


ControlTower トリガー 君のコールサインはメイジ2だ 確認し 復唱せよ

Trigger, your call sign is Mage 2. Verify and read back.

ControlTower メイジ2 離陸を許可する

Mage 2, cleared for takeoff.

ControlTower 事態は逼迫している

Situation is tight.

Golem 1 Knocker 管制塔 悪いがさっさとそいつを上げてくれ

Control, do me a favor and get that bird in the air ASAP.

ControlTower 聞こえたな

Hear that?

ControlTower 先行してゴーレム隊4機と君の僚機が上がっている 離陸し 僚機であるメイジ1と合流せよ

Golem Squadron and your wingman are airborne. Take off and form up with Mage 1.

ControlTower メイジ2 スクランブルだ ただちに離陸せよ

Mage 2, scramble. Take off now.

ControlTower どうしたメイジ2? 何かトラブルか?

Mage 2, is there a problem?

IUN-PKF Fleet 消火を急げ! 燃料に引火したら地獄だぞ!

Put that fire out! Don't let it reach the fuel tanks!

IUN-PKF Fleet 何が起こってるんだ! 誰か現状を報告しろ!

What's happening! Status report, anyone!

IUN-PKF Fleet 消火に参加できないやつは負傷者移送を手伝え!

Transport the wounded if you're not on fire duty!

IUN-PKF Fleet 空母が傾き始めた! まずいぞ 着底したら使えん!

The carrier is listing! Don't let her run aground!

IUN-PKF Fleet 無理だ! 空母の被害甚大! ほかの艦も損害がひどすぎる

It's no good! The carrier is a wreck! Our other ships air taking a beating!

IUN-PKF Fleet 火器管制が機能してない! これじゃあ対空迎撃も使えない

Fire control isn't responding! We can't lauch intercceptors!

IUN-PKF Fleet 護衛艦の対空兵装は使えないのか! 電子機器のリンクがおかしいだと!

No anti-air armament available on the escort ships?! The electronics air malfunctioning!

IUN-PKF Base 爆撃機が次々と来るぞ

It's a damned parade of bombers!

IUN-PKF Base 敵は爆撃機だけなのか? 情報をくれ!

Is it only bombers? Give us some intel!

IUN-PKF Base 所属不明機の数はわかるか

Do we know the number of bogeys?

IUN-PKF Base 早く戦闘機を上げてくれ! 爆撃が続いてる!

Get those fighters in the air! They're still bombing us!

IUN-PKF Base 港湾が爆撃されているぞ! 早く迎撃機を上げろ!

They're bombing the harbor! Scramble interceptors!

IUN-PKF Base 港湾が再度爆撃されてる! 貯蔵燃料がヤバイ! 迎撃するんだ!

They almost hit our fuel storage! We have to hit'em back!

IUN-PKF Base 損害は? どこをやられてるんだ!

Damage report! Where are we getting hit?!

ControlTower メイジ2 高度制限を解除 グッドラック!

Mage 2, altitude restriction is lifted. Good luck!

Golem 2 Brownie 空母が…… 港湾施設もひどくやられている模様

The carrier… Whoa! Looks like the harbor's taken a lot of damage.

Golem 1 Knocker これ以上の被害を出すな 食い止めるぞ

Can't have anymore casualties. Time to stop the bullshit.

Golem 1 Knocker メイジ2 お前はメイジ1とエレメントを組め

Mage 2, form up with Mage 1.

Golem 1 Knocker 各機 ビジネススタートだ ゴーレム隊いくぞ!

All aircraft, let's do this. Golem Squadron, it's go time.

Golem 2 Brownie 了解

Roger that.

Golem 4 Footpad ゴーレム4 了解

Golem 4, understood.

AWACS Sky Keeper こちらAWACSスカイキーパー

This is the AWACS "Sky Keeper."

AWACS Sky Keeper 侵入した所属不明の爆撃機を全機撃墜せよ 護衛機の数は多くない

Take down all unidentified bombers. They don't have many escorts.

AWACS Sky Keeper 先の攻撃でレーダー設備をひどくやられた 各機の奮闘を期待する 頼んだぞ

They hit our radars hard in the last attack. Expect the worst, and stay sharp.

Golem 1 Knocker ウィルコ


Mage 1 Clown トリガー 俺が僚機だ

Trigger. I'm your wingman.

Mage 1 Clown ここからは俺と一緒に動いてもらう エレメントとはそういうもんだ

You're flying with me now. That's what it means to be in an element.

Mage 1 Clown 目標の敵爆撃機を探すんだ

You gotta keep an eye out for enemy bombers.

Mage 1 Clown よし爆撃機を見つけた

Okay, here we go. Looks like bombers have been located.

Mage 1 Clown 本番だ トリガー お前の腕を見せてもらうぞ

It's show time, Trigger. Let's see if you can handle the spotlight.

Mage 1 Clown お前は「腕がいい」って事になってる

You're a good pilot… or so I told 'em.

Mage 1 Clown 隊の欠員を埋めたくてな 話をあわせておいてくれ

I had to fill an empty spot, so play along.

Mage 1 Clown だが無茶はするな

It's still a leash though.

AWACS Sky Keeper 敵爆撃機の撃墜を確認 いいぞ メイジ2

Enemy bomber confirmed down. Good job, Mage 2.

Mage 1 Clown やるな! メイジ2

Not bad, Mage 2.

Mage 1 Clown よしトリガー レーダーを切り替えろ 敵を探すんだ

Trigger, switch your radar. See if you can locate the enemy.

Mage 1 Clown いいぞ 見つけた いただこう

There it is. Sitting there all pretty just waiting to be taken.

Mage 1 Clown ずいぶん高いところを飛んでるな

They're way overhead.

Mage 1 Clown 向こうの高度までいくとしよう

Let's go introduce ourselves.

Erusean Fighter 港湾の燃料設備が破壊されていない 再度爆撃を要請する

Harbor fuel storage is intact. It's asking for another round.

Erusean Fighter 護衛機 集結 反復攻撃にうつる ポイントは835

All escorts, form up for another attack Point is 835.

Mage 1 Clown コイツには護衛機がついている 注意しろ

Watch out for the support aircraft.

AWACS Sky Keeper 敵護衛機を排除した模様 これで仕事がやりやすいはずだ

Enemy support eliminated. This should make the job easier.

AWACS Sky Keeper 目標を破壊せよ

Destroy the target.

AWACS Sky Keeper 目標の撃墜を確認 メイジ2 いい調子じゃないか

Target confirmed down. Looking good, Mage 2.

AWACS Sky Keeper メイジ2 ターゲットが来たぞ 爆撃機だ

Mage 2, target's in range. Pair of bombers.

Mage 1 Clown トリガー お前の腕なら十分やれる

Trigger, stay calm. You've got this.

Golem 1 Knocker クラウン ひよっこを持ち上げるな そういうのは終わってからにしろ

I know the kid's shown some promise, but let's remember, he's still barely gotten his feet wet.

Mage 1 Clown トリガー特殊兵装を使え

Trigger, don't forget your special weapon.

AWACS Sky Keeper メイジ2! ターゲットを破壊!

Mage 2, target down!

Mage 1 Clown 特殊兵装の方が楽にやれるぞ 臨機応変に頼むぜ

You'll knock 'em out with your special weapon. Use it when you need to.

Mage 1 Clown いいぞ 素直で結構だ

That's it. It's great when it's simple.

Erusean Bomber 港湾設備 ならびに空母 敵艦隊への攻撃は十分だ

We've done enough damage to the harbor, the carrier, and enemy fleet.

Erusean Bomber 残っている爆装を敵施設に投下し 帰投せよ

Drop payload on installations and return to base.

AWACS Sky Keeper 敵爆撃機撃墜 メイジ2 上出来だ

Enemy bomber down. Nice going, Mage 2.

Golem 1 Knocker メイジ2 よくやった だがまだ動きに無駄が多い

Not too shabby, Mage 2. But you've still got a long way to go, kid.

Golem 1 Knocker デブリーフィングで指導してやるから生きて帰れよ

I'll give you some pointers back at base, if you can make it in one piece.

Mage 1 Clown スカイキーパー こちらメイジ1 タリー 2バンディッツ

Sky Keeper, this is Mage 1, over. Tally two bandits.

AWACS Sky Keeper 了解 爆撃機と護衛機だ

Copy that. It's a bomber and an escort.

Mage 1 Clown トリガー 落ち着いていこうじゃないか

Whoa there, Trigger. Settle down.

Golem 1 Knocker メイジ2! メイジ1とエレメントを維持しろ! 勝手に動くなよ!

Mage 2! Maintain your element with Mage 1! Do not break off!

Golem 1 Knocker メイジ1 お前はメイジ2から目を離すな

Mage 1, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

Mage 1 Clown ウィルコ


Golem 1 Knocker ゴーレム2 エレメントを維持

Golem 2, Let's maintain element.

Golem 2 Brownie 了解 隊長の背後は私が守ります

Copy that, Commander. I've got your six covered, sir.

Golem 1 Knocker 言うじゃないか


AWACS Sky Keeper 敵護衛機の撃墜を確認 敵は丸裸だ 爆撃機へ攻撃せよ

Escort destroyed. Target is exposed. Engage the bomber.

AWACS Sky Keeper ターゲットを破壊!

Target is down!

Mage 1 Clown トリガー いい腕だ

Thatta boy, Trigger.

AWACS Sky Keeper ゴーレム メイジ 新たな敵機が2グループ

Golem, Mage. Two new enemy groups.

IUN-PKF HQ こちらHQ 交戦中の部隊に告げる

This is HQ. Attention, all combat groups.

IUN-PKF HQ 敵に無人機はいるか? 確認せよ

Are there any drones? Verify.

Golem 1 Knocker 無人機? この状況でか? 相手のケツを取るのに忙しい俺たちに?

Drones? Are you kidding me right now? Jesus! This is the kinda shit that really chaps my ass!

Mage 1 Clown 無人機? どうやって見分けるんだ

UAV's? I can't tell them apart.

Erusean Bomber 港湾設備ならびに空母は破壊した 作戦は十分遂行できたはず

Harbor facilities and carrier destroyed. I'd call that mission accomplished.

Erusean Bomber 荷物はまだ半分残っている 滑走路とハンガーを攻撃する

We've still got half our baggage. Emptying them on hangars nad runways.

IUN-PKF Base これ以上港湾設備への攻撃を許すな!

Don't let them destroy the harbor!

IUN-PKF Base 戦闘機は何をやってるんだ! 港湾が壊滅するぞ!

Where the hell are our fighters?! The harbor is under heavy fire!

Golem 2 Brownie メイジ2の敵機撃墜を確認

Mage 2's bandit confirmed down.

Golem 4 Footpad 爆弾を抱えたまま墜ちやがれ

They can burn with their whole payload!

AWACS Sky Keeper 爆撃機にミサイル命中!

Bomber hit by a missile!

AWACS Sky Keeper 敵爆撃機被弾 まだ飛んでいるぞ 攻撃を続行せよ

Enemy bomber hit, but still airborne. Finish it off.

AWACS Sky Keeper 敵爆撃機を撃墜

Enemy bomber destroyed.

AWACS Sky Keeper 爆撃機を破壊!

Bomber is down!

AWACS Sky Keeper 残り1機だ!

One remaining!

Golem 1 Knocker メイジ2 次の敵に集中しろ 気を抜くな

Mage 2, keep your focus. You got this.

増援4のTu-95 4機又はTu-160又はTu-95 3機撃墜後にTu-160撃墜
Golem 1 Knocker 一瞬が仲間の生死を分けることがある 心をとぎすませ 迷うな

Hesitating for a split second could be the difference between life and death. Stay sharp, think fast.

Golem 2 Brownie 了解

Roger that.

ENN ……エルジア中央放送からのニュースです……

Breaking news from ENN.

ENN ……オーシア連邦が…… ……軌道エレベーターを建設し……

…the Osean Federation has… …space elevator…

AWACS Sky Keeper ゴーレム メイジへ すべての爆撃機を撃墜した

To Golem and Mage. Job well done. All bombers are down.

AWACS Sky Keeper こちらのレーダーに敵影なし オールクリア

Our radar shows no sign of bandits. You're in the clear.

Mage 1 Clown メイジ2 お手柄だ 編隊長 トリガーは使えますよ

Good going, Mage 2. Flight commander, looks like he's got what it takes.

Golem 1 Knocker たった1度の出撃で実力などわからん

Let's slow down. It's just one sortie.

Golem 1 Knocker それに手柄などと欲張ったことを考えるな ただ生きて帰ればいいんだ

Don't try to be a hero. I want you to make it back in one piece, you hear?

Golem 2 Brownie 隊長の意見に賛成です

Yeah, I gotta side with the bossman on this.

IUN-PKF HQ ゴーレム隊 こちらHQ 無人機は確認できたか?

Golem Squadron, this is HQ. Did you confirm any drones?

Golem 1 Knocker なぜ無人機にこだわるんです?

What's the deal with all the drones?

IUN-PKF HQ ゴーレム1 帰投後出頭し報告せよ 以上

Golem 1, return to base and report for debriefing.

ENN 南の海 ガンター湾の美しいエメラルドの水を乱したその上に

…beautiful emerald south sea water at Gunther Bay…

ENN ……エルジア王国王女ローザ・コゼット・ド・エルーゼです……

…I am Princess Rosa Cossette D'Elise of the Kingdom of Erusea…

ENN ……国民のみなさん……

…Citizens of Erusea…


フォートグレイス基地司令官 基地が蒙った損害は現在確認中だ



ユージア大陸各地に駐留していた国際停戦監視軍の他の基地も同様に襲撃を受けた 損害は大きい

緒戦でうけた打撃を回復できず 負ける戦争は多い

だからこそ 迎撃に成功した意味は大きい 君たちが戦局を覆す存在になる可能性があるからな


We are currently assessing the damage to the base.

We have confirmed that the aircraft carrier Albatross was sunk.

We know the attacking bogeys were from Erusea.

International Union Peacekeeping Force bases all over the Usean continent were attacked in the same way. The damage is severe.

Many wars are lost by failing to recover from the opening blows.

That means successfully retaliating was very important. You may have turned the tides of battle here.

You have our thanks.